Example sentences of "[adv] well for " in BNC.

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1 He has a dynamic personality and musical discrimination , and without exception the orchestra played much better for him than it did for the ballet conductor , Viktor Fedotov .
2 After my divorce , we seemed to get along better for a while .
3 ‘ She 's a lovely kid and I think she 's handled herself extremely well for someone of her age .
4 And so I came up with the following idea , which works extremely well for me .
5 Not only did they enjoy it but it certainly worked extremely well for those that followed it properly .
6 In fact , the present strength in depth of the England set-up and the fine organisation nationally bodes extremely well for the next few seasons .
7 The hon. Gentleman is right to emphasise that the Severn tunnel has served the travelling public extremely well for many years .
8 Moreover some individual Franks did extremely well for themselves in imperial service , and one or two even gained the consulship .
9 Now I I 've chosen an example w with a Conservative Secretary of State and the Labour majority , but I ask the Noble Lords on all , in all parts of the House to think it could work the other way round , because a Labour Secretary of State could exercise exactly these powers in an area where with a er Conservative majority on on er on on the local council or councils and I ask the House to think of this , not in a party er as a as a party issue between Labour , Conservative or Liberal Democrat , I just ask you to consider whether it is right for a Secretary of State of any political persuasion to er secure by appointment to a police authority a political control from the centre of that police authority , because that is what the Government 's presents proposals would still achieve and er it is our view and it is the view of which is which is finds expression in Amendments five , eight and eleven that the we should return to the tripartite system of p of policing which policing is a partnership between the Chief Constable er the local authority in the area and the Home Secretary , that er tripartite arrangement has worked extremely well for thirty years , there have been minor conflicts in some parts of the country , but nothing to justify the wholesale removal of of of the partnership which is now proposed .
10 PVCu works especially well for coastal properties as it is impervious to moisture .
11 This goes down well for a while , until the ‘ MC ’ puppet finally orders them to ‘ kindly leave the stage ’ or to be quiet .
12 Hood : a well-shaped hood which closes down well for a snug fit .
13 The life they had come to know so well for so long as it slipped by changelessly would be irrevocably altered : it was like a death or a wounding and brought all the wonder and fear and awe of change .
14 AN England cap may be the prompt reward for John Clark , who kept goal so well for East Grinstead in the Birmingham Midshires International Indoor tournament last weekend .
15 Oh , I have not enjoyed myself so well for years .
16 Having played so well for the first two rounds and then the first three holes of the third , by which time he was tieing for the lead with Parry at 10 under par , Woosnam came to grief immediately after the Saturday storm .
17 More important is the fact that nobody can really tell whether Germany has a successful economy because of its voting system ( though , between you and me , this seems as unlikely as a cart pulling a horse ) or whether it seems to have satisfactory constitutional arrangements because its economy has been working so well for so long .
18 It paves the way for George Bush to speak of a ‘ new world order ’ , while simultaneously launching the largest military operation since World War II to preserve the ‘ old world order ’ that has served he and his colleagues so well for so long .
19 Have n't felt so well for years . ’
20 He came to the Palace from Birmingham City in the summer of 1909 and played so well for us that , by the spring of 1912 , he had earned two Welsh International caps , when he partnered the legendary Welsh wingers , Billy Meredith and Ted Vizard .
21 This explanation does not work so well for the majority of the texts of Scaevola , which are not excerpts from a dogmatic tract in which the jurist was discussing the disparate regimes of legacy and trust , but opinions given in practical cases .
22 But how did it happen that the Davy miner 's lamp worked out so well for the owners and so badly for the miners ?
23 How it differs from Liphook , however , is that the head teacher is wise enough to understand that all children are individuals and what works for one may not work so well for another .
24 Interwar balcony-access flats are the most reviled and degraded of all local-authority housing types , so it 's odd to find the Butlins versions still functioning so well for their temporary inhabitants .
25 They have both been playing so well for us in recent weeks but we will have to reorganise and cope without them . ’
26 ‘ I expect England to revert to the front row that has done so well for so long , which means I must play out of my skin against Moore for the chance to face the guy again next week .
27 This last might seem to be the most likely possibility but , if so , we are presented with yet another mystery : how can a theory which works so well for black holes not work equally well for their direct counterparts , white holes ?
28 I loved watching Linford — he did so well for Britain . ’
29 With Windows NT still a gleam in Bill Gates ' eye , OS/2 2.0 can lay claim to the goodness high ground , and it is difficult to see what more IBM could have done to make it electable — its erstwhile friends would say that it has cynically ditched all its principles — of closed systems , tight central control , the whole ‘ nanny knows best and you 'd better believe it ’ ethos that served the company so well for so long , and led to a string of successes at the ballot box in the 1960s and 1970s .
30 ‘ I was teaching , but one of the reason things worked out so well for me was that I did n't have to worry how I would eat or where I would sleep .
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