Example sentences of "[adv] know about " in BNC.

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1 Workers who can be exposed to excessively cold weather conditions have not only to know about survival measures during over-exposure , but be able and willing to carry them out .
2 think feminism has to provide a unified , positive alternative for all women , in order for them to be able not only to know about but to reject and try to escape subordination ( 1979 : 129 ) .
3 ‘ Stiff knee , ’ he said , watching for obstacles he might only know about by walking into them .
4 Sometimes parents fail to give the true reason why something upsets them because they think the youngster is not old enough to know about such things .
5 Been in combat long enough to know about fall-back positions in case things go wrong . ’
6 I received a strong impression that it was not enough to know about injustice and suffering ; practical solutions had to be found .
7 ‘ I expect you only know about rateable values an' that . ’
8 I only know about my approach .
9 Though I only know about it from what men say .
10 I only know about the room .
11 ‘ You obviously know about my sons .
12 Spiers was trained in the Gothic school , but Bolton , who knew him well , insists that he never referred to any buildings of his own and little is apparently known about his work as an architect .
13 Not enough known about the postpartum period
14 These kids not only knew about rock'n'roll , they could play it .
15 Your priest only knew about the past .
16 The implication always was , the feeling , that Michael not only knew about the men in balaclavas , but was a part of them somehow , but Rory and his mother — although never discussing it — believed otherwise .
17 He obviously knew about David Harland , but why did that make him so cross ?
18 The weekly covers things he more or less knows about and it seems more often to be of more direct concern to him and his family than an event that happened elsewhere .
19 This comparison has fazed her , as she only knows about Lee Krasner as the widow of Jackson Pollock ; so the library visit is intended to check out reproductions of Lee Krasner 's work , to see if she has to concede that her friend may be right .
20 He only knows about money , Arts Council grants , stuffy councillors going on about ‘ bums on seats ’ . ’
21 Anyway he only knows about greyhounds and worms in sheep .
22 For a girl not to know about periods before she has them ?
23 I 'm not to know about the gates …
24 I thought you preferred not to know about the mechanics of miracles . ’
25 Non-drinkers tended not to know about Guinness and found the advertisements very difficult to understand .
26 All will want something different , and the only way to help everyone , whatever they might already know about roses , is to start at the beginning .
27 Paradoxically , if such a person were to fail to give notice , he might then be said to be committing an offence even though , because of the hypothesised publicity , it is most unlikely that the police will not already know about his proposed march .
28 How much do you already know about it ? "
29 ‘ What can any manager in Scotland try that others wo n't already know about ? ’ says Walter Smith .
30 There may be yet more complicated objects than us on other planets , and some of them may already know about us .
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