Example sentences of "[adv] what an " in BNC.

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1 So that 's that 's basically what an isotope is , it 's a an element that has .
2 Never was it more obvious just what an unlikely figure Morrissey cut as a pop star .
3 Just what an American would like to hear !
4 The workshop session following Mr Leitch 's presentation showed just what an inexact science publishing is , as groups of publishers and booksellers produced substantially different results after being asked to prepare a sales and profitability forecast of a new Routledge business book .
5 Lisa had sighed and squeezed her friend 's arm , reflecting for the hundred-millionth time just what an enormous debt she owed Josey .
6 Over the hours since she had last confronted him Lisa had forgotten just what an extraordinarily imposing figure he was .
7 For this shopping trip is partially inspired by a letter I received today , outlining just what an economic Titan I am .
8 ‘ We all left the theatre with smiles — thinking not what an authentic production we 'd seen but how much we 'd enjoyed 18th century theatre ’ EARLY MUSIC NEWS
9 But that 's exactly what an Aylesbury based record company is doing .
10 Well it This is more like what an
11 ‘ When I saw Dustin Hoffman in Peter Hall 's production , which was strong and clean , I thought that the strength of the production showed up what an awful play it is .
12 He also ruled out what an ITN interviewer called a ‘ gentle readjustment ’ of the pound , saying that was an unacceptable soft option .
13 But Labour , too , was disappointing in its reluctance to sketch out what an alternative science policy might look like .
14 On Monday , May 31 , and Tuesday , June 1 there will be pottery workshops where visitors will be able to use genuine Roman techniques and designs to make their own Ante-fix ( and to find out what an Ante-fix is you will have to go along ) .
15 Apparently they like having things explained to them without understanding either the explanation or even what an explanation is .
16 I realized then quite what an intrusion any Mughal garden is into the Indian scene .
17 Looking back he said he realised how clumsily he had behaved in certain situations , and indeed what an ‘ unpleasant ’ person ( that was the adjective he used ) he knew he had sometimes been .
18 Then what an unfeeling little brute you are to be sure .
19 Yet what an excellent dark joke against life and family and love . ’
20 It was like stepping from the main street into a cobbled alley 's curiosity shop — that shock of surprise to discover again what an intricate and peculiar organ the imagination is , what extravagant uses it has found for time .
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