Example sentences of "[adv] get [verb] " in BNC.

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1 John 's manner was off-putting to the faint-hearted , but as I slowly got to know him , realised his lack of physical and social grace covered an ultra-soft centre , and I came to love the man .
2 Mr Wishart hurried off to the refreshment room , luckily got served straight away and with difficulty got back to the compartment just as the guard was blowing his whistle ; the old lady took one of the paper cups of tea and murmured her thanks .
3 She very rarely got told off and when she did it upset her .
4 This one sentence from the notebooks goes straight home to the novel which eventually got written .
5 We engaged a third syce called Makonnen ; he turned out to be a quarrelsome intriguer and we eventually got rid of him .
6 It all eventually got straightened out , despite the Vadinamian distaste for the unusual , and suspicion of off-worlders .
7 The terrible trio eventually got caught and were expelled .
8 We were playing for a long time before we ever had a deal , and when we eventually got signed by a big company , they pretty much took us for what we were .
9 However , the Stuarts eventually got traded in for solid Hanoverian stock , and the latest evidence suggests that the South learned fast .
10 That unsettled me a bit , but we eventually got going and it was all right .
11 I want well out of it , so course she come in got changed , so he said to me I would like you tomorrow to have a word with Robin about stopping her coming down to us he said because erm it makes me feel very uncomfortable he said and we had that hassle he said it 's a load of nonsense he said I 've forgotten
12 I guess she really liked those , she only got moved because of er the
13 Only got to do it for a second .
14 ‘ We only got involved because we 're being badgered by one of our ex 's , an old friend of hers , I believe .
15 I mean , he only got to get his clothes on and go to work , the same .
16 He only got started to work just about a couple of years before the war .
17 I only got to know her a little as a teenager when I visited her on my own in the single-end where she lived in a Parkhead tenement , sleeping , washing and cooking in one room .
18 ‘ Mr James only got to know Anna well in Italy .
19 ‘ I only got to know your mother-in-law through visiting at the house . ’
20 I only got to hear him start talking to your Raymond
21 Kirov not only got to travel freely within military establishments and top security complexes , he was known and respected by important public figures .
22 I suppose being realistic we could clean the car out in the evening because you only got to have the door open you 've got the interior light on
23 Madden got shifted from that division — you only got shifted if you were in trouble — and he came to the same division as myself .
24 You only got to walk into a room , people like you , and you can talk with anyone , you understand things , but when …
25 yeah that only got to count for four , that 's gon na go one , two , three , four
26 If teachers only got paid for pupils passing their exams , there are some pupils who 'd never get any education at all .
27 Oh I know , you only got to look at the VAT ai n't you for starters
28 Mozart , Beethoven and Handel all got paid . ’
29 Americans suddenly got fed up with all these Russians who were n't Nureyevs .
30 So got to continue on there on behaviours recognize people that you see around about recognize to be aggressive , some as assertive some as passive .
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