Example sentences of "[adv] [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Haydn Gwynne , looking uncannily like Meryl Streep , makes a rather better-groomed Robyn than expected , versatile , spirited and wholly watchable .
2 There 's a forest fifty miles off , it 's outside our window because it 's not in this room and to come a little nearer home ther there 's a campus outside our window but we ca n't exactly see very much of it but we know it 's there and it 's got some birds in it , it 's probably got some little insects in it and there 's a woodpecker
3 The final studies to be reviewed in this chapter help , we believe , to take us a little nearer understanding that paradox , as well as offering more convincing evidence than that considered so far that the connection between creativity and psychosis is indeed genuine .
4 A rather unhappier experience awaited the researcher who flew to Paris to interview Jodie Foster — she caught food poisoning on the plane and was ill throughout their meeting .
5 I took a rather simpler route than Balboa — the Pan-American highway out of Panama City .
6 This , on reflection , is interesting : it reveals quite sharply what might have been apparent earlier — that this particular decision rule is of a rather simpler structure than the optimal output rule .
7 Williamson 's romanticism and nature worship , on a rather lower level of theoretical conceptualisation , was to owe much to the books of Richard Jefferies , in particular the sunlight imagery of much of his work .
8 He found that the Devon , although it was small , gave him good quantities of good beef and rather lower quantities of very creamy milk .
9 When allowance is made for the rather lower gravity of Venus than of the Earth , and the consequent lower degree of internal compression , then the uncompressed densities of the Earth and Venus would be similar .
10 The island of Hawaii alone seems to have a long-term average rate of construction of over 0.4 km 3 a- 1 , while Iceland has sustained a rate of about 0.13 km 3 a- 1 during historic time , and a rather lower average of 0.06 km 3 a - 1 over the past 16 Ma .
11 Teachers were always busy , and many schools put GIST on a rather lower priority than dealing with the impact of unemployment , school reorganization , discipline or curricular problems .
12 It appears that black males and females of West Indian origin have a strikingly lower prevalence of both hypercholesterolaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia compared to those of Asian or European extract ( Pacy et al , 1985 ) .
13 Major award schools , on the other hand , started from a conspicuously lower threshold of library provision and use .
14 In character he was very different from his dead elder brother .
15 Local music is an altogether healthier picture , according to the group , who see it as a friendly club where bands from all divisions of music can work together without competition .
16 Painful chest especially in the right lower zone , better ( > ) for pressure .
17 The caecum was considered to be reached only if the light of the instrument was seen in the right lower quadrant , the base of the appendix was visualised , and the ileocaecal valve was seen .
18 The same evening the filling — a huge one — came out of backmost right lower jaw tooth .
19 Affects the right lower chest with stitches through to the back ( like in Kali carb . ) .
20 Positive findings were decreased air entry in the right lower chest and a distended abdomen with tenderness and guarding , mainly in the suprapubic region .
21 A chest radiograph was normal , but a ventilation-perfusion lung scan showed a matched defect in the right lower lobe .
22 But when diminishing marginal returns set in in 1983-4 , further increases in duty deterred consumption leading to falling sales and eventually lower tax revenue for the Treasury .
23 DANCE MUSIC from a marginally less cynical and altogether simpler era .
24 The books he read and the music he listened to took on profounder significance than ever before .
25 The resultant prostaglandins may have a natriuretic or renal vasodilatory effect and thereby lower blood pressure ( Galli , 1980 ; Iacono et al , 1981 ) .
26 As the deep black shadow in Glen Keltney closed over them , they moved slowly nearer home in a trance of fatigue .
27 However , if one has a black hole around , there seems to be a rather easier way of violating the second law : just throw some matter with a lot of entropy , such as a box of gas , down the black hole .
28 Its brightest stars are Alpha and Beta ( each 4.1 ) ; with the rather fainter Gamma , Delta and Theta the little semicircle is characteristic enough .
29 But instead of concentrating on treating waste , research was needed into fundamentally cleaner processes that conserved water and reduced waste .
30 She played little further part as a combatant , stalling later British requests for reinforcements and providing minimal naval assistance in the Mediterranean .
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