Example sentences of "[adv] [Wh pn] you " in BNC.

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1 It 's not only who you know , but what you know about who you know that counts …
2 So who you playing tonight ?
3 So who you gon na ring then ?
4 There are those who claim to be able to tell you psychically just who you were and what sort of life you had in a previous existence .
5 ‘ Sometimes I wonder , trooper , just who you 're fighting for .
6 ‘ I 'm not who you think — I 'm not perfect .
7 It 's not who you know : Tom Arnold on the new gap between the Establishment and the Tory party
8 It 's not who you are — it 's what you do .
9 I 'm not who you think I am .
10 ‘ Kill me , but I 'm not who you 're looking for . ’
11 ‘ The Firm ’ reflects people 's awareness in the 90s of the possibility of waking up to realise you 're not who you wanted to be , ’ said director Pollack .
12 Such is the informality of this unique little island that it matters not who you are or what you have .
13 ‘ And unless you 're one of Charity LeVille 's nubile masseuses over from Gros Islet … ’ he 'd reached the bed , and to her horror slung his jacket over a nearby chair and sat down on the edge of the bed , far too close for comfort , continuing in the same bland tone , ‘ … which from the pious clutching of bedclothes I somehow doubt , maybe you 'd like to explain exactly who you are ? ’
14 That 's highlighting , I guess , one of the points Sue made , that it 's very important when you answer the telephone in the O U P to say exactly who you are , or which department you work in , or something to do with your identity on the phone , because in the system , you could see that if Anthea now diverted her phone to 3434 , you want to call 3485 and you 'll get 3434 .
15 Centuries before Elijah , Joshua glimpsed the same syncretistic tendencies in Israel and delivered an ultimatum to the people : ‘ If it does not please you to worship the Lord , choose here and now whom you will worship : the gods whom your forefathers worshipped beside the Euphrates , or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living .
16 ‘ Choose here and now whom you will worship , ’ Joshua challenged the people of Israel but did not pause for a reply : ‘ But I and my family , we will worship the Lord . ’
17 Flavia said , ‘ Your head seen against the white wall , it shows up the structure , I know now whom you remind me of , I saw it when I first met you , but could not place it , it 's not a literal resemblance , it 's something basic , you do look like someone I know . ’
18 I realize now whom you were talking about .
19 To find out who you were
20 Did they think that was the only way you could find out who you were , by listening to them ?
21 Now presumably you 're doing this er personality analysis , as part of trying to work out who you are and where you 're going .
22 ‘ I 'll figure out who you are .
23 Now who you should speak to is … ’
24 There back in Joshua , Joshua he issues the challenge to the , the children of Israel , in Joshua chapter twenty four , he says , and if it is a disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord choose for yourself today whom you will serve , whether the God 's which your father served , which are beyond river , or the God 's of the Amorites in whose land you are living , but as for my and my husband we will serve the Lord !
25 Taken two out we 're always gon na get people who are additionally at school tomorrow who you 'll remember suddenly
26 I 'd like to be sure there 's no one there whom you recognise from the past .
27 You need someone there who you can go back to sand say , ‘ Is it OK ? ’
28 I think a I think actually who you have 'em with like with Sue I mean I was quite positive about this er I can understand you sort of just w who did you have 'em with before ?
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