Example sentences of "[adv] [Wh det] 's " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps What 's Brewing could feature an up-to-date list of local beer guides every other month , alternating with the painfully unfunny P.A. Newton column ? — DAVE WHITE , Wigan .
2 Perhaps what 's even more remarkable about this supposedly ‘ new ’ market is that it is n't new at all !
3 I think perhaps what 's going to be said to you to the rest of the day erm will actually bring out the key points tha that Hughie was trying , trying to make .
4 So really it would be I suspect the answer to your question you do n't want to keep saying any questions but perhaps what 's the answer .
5 I mean I want to start with , with pensions pay and er , basically what 's happening is that everyone 's suffering pay cuts er and er th th what the government is doing is , first of all is attacking the State pension scheme er , and it 's allowing , er , employers to continue to rip-off occupational pension schemes and er since it 's pay , and it 's our pay , we wan na make sure we control it and I do n't see why the employers should be allowed to continue to exploit er , us both at one , both in terms of the pay we get now and the pay we get when we retire , whether it be at sixty whether it be er , whenever we wish to er retire and er , I think it 's very important if the government is er committed to crime prevention , that it actually starts doing something about those for , those , those employers , and Maxwell has , has been er referred to already , he 's just the tip of this very big iceberg er , and er , up and down the country , people are suffering substantial thefts of pay er employers are systematically organizing wages snatches , that 's what this er pension fraud is all about , and it 's about time that our government actually got round er and tackled this very important corporate crime issue that 's actually going on at the moment and er , I think that it 's very important that we ensure that we 're involved in er managing our own pension sch p pension funds , and therefore we should be pushing through demands of the er th the , the charter for pension fund democracy , and ensuring er that the government actually listens to what we 're saying , and actually er comes up with answers why we can not have the right to control our pay cos I can I ca n't see an any reason that they come back and say why democracy , why they ca n't , why , why they wo n't allow us to have a greater say and control our own pension funds and that 's I think is a legitimate demand that we should be campaigning for , up and down the country .
6 Erm , basically what 's in the programme but
7 Will be passed on , but in this instance they all need to be shown how to work it , yes , mhm , so that concerned me a little bit , apparently because they were holding the mike right up to their mouth and it was distorting terribly what 's going on up there
8 but it 's erm not so much what 's in the books as sort of how Simon looks at them .
9 So whatever 's in there ca n't get out up there it 's got to go through another pipe it 's got to go through the other pipe .
10 So it was last Tuesday night , when the change allowed at the end of our whacky version of five-card rolling draw brought your correspondent the most beautiful five of spades he had ever seen — face down what 's more — to go with the A-2-3-4 he was showing .
11 I 've asked them as well and this might take them into the second week er to start with their pupils process on a Wednesday morning whereby in each classroom there would be a me master year plan even if it means they have to buy four and divide it up but I su I suggest that I would do something , you know , produce one and on that they will write pertinent to the the form to the form er and continue to add on that over , you know as and when it 's relevant er , dates for completion of course work , it might be module testing etcetera and I 'm going to ask at briefing that any anything that a teacher has put down for children , it might be just you know Mi Mr x's group is mentioned at briefing so they can write down what 's pertinent to them and therefore
12 down what 's it called ?
13 Climbing has no rules , as the Old Guard are proud of telling us , so what 's wrong with what you 've done ?
14 So what 's happening is a lot of rumour out there and a lot of people who think that this is a wonderful opportunity to make ten per cent on the deal .
15 Packaging and handling charges do not come cheap , so what 's the point of paying for ten plastic packets along with the extra labour when you could buy one box containing 100 hooks and save up to 33 per cent ?
16 So what 's left for the Nineties ?
17 So what 's new ?
18 So what 's wrong with puttin' it up for discussion ? ’
19 So what 's different about Mark 's plan to sell components from our European plants into the United States , if we can save the Corporation a billion dollars a year by doin' so ? ,
20 So what 's changed ? ’
21 So what 's going to happen to the European Plan ? ’ he asked .
22 So what 's new ? — Do n't know what you 're making all the fuss about ! ’
23 So what 's on your mind , then ? ’ asked Simon .
24 So what 's cooking on the alternative fuels front ?
25 So what 's the hilarity ? ’
26 So what 's he like , this Don Juan you went into the back close with ?
27 You both gained out of it so what 's wrong with that ? ’
28 So what 's a legit doing sleeping on the stairs ?
29 John le Grant said , ‘ And so what 's his suggestion ? ’
30 ‘ You gave the child up , so what 's the sense tormenting yerself trying to see it ? ’
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