Example sentences of "[adv] [that] there " in BNC.

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1 David Rigg , commercial development director , reminisced nostalgically that there has not been such a boom in his business since the rush to decolonise Africa some 30 years ago .
2 It appeared to him suddenly that there was a link between her flouted ambition for him and the ethic of a religion more alien to his own thought than he had ever dreamed .
3 The little girl had been allowed to help with the setting out of the banquet , and noticing suddenly that there were six dishes of each delicacy and six pairs of chopsticks , she had asked her mother why this was so .
4 Erm er it 's basically that there is no stated requirement at present from any of the four nations , for this aircraft to operate on ships er back in the early days of the programme when the the French were involved er we looked at the possibility of designing an aircraft er to provide the whole spectrum of capabilities from air defence er ground attack and also maritime operations off ships and er we we certainly experienced some difficulties in reconciling all those things in one design , which was adequately capable in each of the areas .
5 Indeed , the situation changed so swiftly that there is almost no resemblance between the political maps of Spain for 1000 and 1050 , or again between those covering the times of the birth and death of El Cid .
6 Below that there were the texts of very bad but sincere poems published in newspapers of the time by worker poets in honour of Stalin and Gottwald .
7 I often wonder if the rolling activity at such times is happening well below the surface ; so far below that there can be no visible signs of disturbance , even in calm water .
8 It will be argued below that there are strong reasons why this should not be so .
9 erm Now , there 's a very nice one , if you move down to the single stroke , you see there are two 2s written , and below that there 's a single stroke .
10 Robert Warshow was to argue quite rightly that there must have been much vicarious pleasure in the enjoyment of these films for audiences could watch gangsters break the law , use violence , take risks , and die but were free themselves to leave the theatre safely .
11 Syl 's mother was highly displeased to see her and made a great to-do of fetching an extra cup , saucer and plate , worrying aloud that there would n't be enough for three of us to eat .
12 Yet she had a son stationed in the Isle of ‘ White ’ ( as she pronounced it , and wrote on her letters to him ) , and another in the Home Guard ; and our unwelcome presence was evidence enough that there was a war on .
13 Unfortunately the single-copy fallacy , the idea that it is enough that there should be one copy of any book in existence , does have support even within the British Library itself .
14 It may well be that the sons of barons and knights jostled with Sceva and Ollo in the markets of the twelfth century ; and it is likely enough that there were more rich men 's sons than poor men 's sons wearing the alderman 's robes .
15 Perhaps I am so preconditioned by tables that I could not reflect quickly enough that there are other ways of getting the answer .
16 On the days when he used to leave her a note in the morning she knew well enough that there was no good to be hoped for in replying to it .
17 It is true enough that there is often such a nuance ( see Quirk , Greenbaum , Leech , Svartvik , 1972 ) , but the proposal will not turn out to be satisfactory .
18 It is enough that there should have been growing pockets of households within the income range £50 to £200 a year , sufficient to have amounted to around 15 per cent of the population in 1750 and 20 to 25 per cent by 1780 .
19 After qualification , the recommendations of the Royal College of Physicians lay down that there should be three years of general training , including general medicine , neurology , and rheumatology , with , if possible , some ophthalmology , dermatology , and psychiatry , followed by four years of higher training in the specialty itself .
20 Er are we all agreed then we 'll put down that there 's a third
21 She or he may be able to suppress the compulsion for months or even years , believing perhaps that there are more worthwhile , less selfish ways to spend one 's time .
22 The implication is perhaps that there were some parts in which it had ; that will be considered below , after we have looked at the pattern of provincial money wages .
23 Most of these exercises are double cast so that there are good opportunities for several readings of the main characters .
24 I think there should be a more stringent system of entry into the drama schools so that there is a higher standard of work achieved by the time they come to join the profession .
25 With all types of glider , it is wise to hold the stick right forward for the initial part of the ground run , so that there is no possibility of the glider zooming off the ground and into a steep climb if the winch driver applies full power too quickly .
26 Unless frequent pin points can be obtained during the descent , errors in position of 20 miles or more can easily occur , and this factor alone limits cloud flying to days on which large clouds are isolated so that there are clear areas between them .
27 For a good chance of a safe landing , the ground must be seen from at least a thousand feet so that there is time to select a field and assess the wind .
28 You should carefully consider the duties you require of a companion and write a ‘ job description ’ so that there is no misunderstanding by either party as to what is expected .
29 Soderstrom — who later in the concert jokingly apologised for her scratchiness — was obviously miserable , more miserable than she needed to be , about the quality of the sound she was making , and her misery took the form of distinguished concentration on pitch , so that there were many small uncharacteristic faults in her intonation .
30 The field is on a slope , so that there is a difference between going up and going down — but that is all .
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