Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] into " in BNC.

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1 The eggs , which are often stuck to a plant , eventually hatch into larvae .
2 Havis himself did most of the cockpit shots , and these are skilfully intercut into air-to-air shots of Concorde , including a beautiful head-on one ( used several times ) of the Great White Dart skimming the cloud-tops leaving a vortex of white in its high-speed wake .
3 Chemical element from industrial operations , nitrates from the excessive use of chemical fertilisers , and sewage waste from an ever-increasing human population all eventually leach into the sea .
4 Eliot , Evelyn Waugh , Tolkien , Virginia Woolf , Gertrude Stein , Harold Pinter , Sylvia Plath , Max Beerbohm , to name a haphazard miscellany , advance , hover uncertainly , or slowly fade into obscurity ?
5 A mechanism must thus be provided whereby one set of pairs can modify or suddenly change into another .
6 I only change into a fighter in the last ten minutes before I get into the ring . ’
7 A cutting is simply a length of stem top growth — with some plants it is a soft-tissue tip , with others a more mature hard-wood section — which , when inserted into soil or a suitable growing medium , and sometimes helped and encouraged by the presence of artificial hormones , will fight for life by producing roots , and so grow into a new individual plant .
8 Ultra rich revitalizing balms , they literally melt into the epidermis , providing comfort and softness .
9 It is therefore hardly surprising that there are firms which have chosen to take out what is effectively ‘ protective authorisation ’ ; in other words , while they have no intention of conducting any investment business , they regard authorisation as a sensible precaution in case they inadvertently slip into it .
10 There are illusory curtains , from ceiling to floor , which gently billow into the room as if blown by a warm , gentle breeze .
11 They only transcribe into knitting instructions when entered , calculated and displayed on the console of your machine .
12 ( Overleaf ) Whistling teal , or tree duck , and their l–rood of chicks apparently sail into the jaws of death .
13 Er from then on , you know , things were really put in put into action .
14 From Gordon Thomas 's evidence to the Royal Commission it is obvious that he had carried out much research into an improved canal , including technical planning , estimates of costs and market studies into the expectations of more traffic .
15 It has been suggested by Dennis Milner — doctor of science in the metallurgy department at Birmingham University who has carried out much research into etheric force-field photography — that the different potency levels relate to the different planes of being in the following way :
16 Gently ease into this position and repeat with your left leg out to the side .
17 We should adapt that and perhaps incorporate into it some of the schemes that have been tried and could be improved .
18 We only intrude into its edge . ’
19 endlessly open into : always world ,
20 Steve falls silent after offering this last piece of information , and I foolishly plunge into the trap .
21 If these animals detect vibrations in the sand or ripples spreading across the shallow pools , they swiftly disappear into the mud where the redshank and the plover can not see them .
22 These are often known as ‘ snap ’ rings as they will suddenly and obviously snap into place as the pipe is pushed into the sleeve .
23 He cleaned its nose and gently blow into its mouth while he pressed tenderly on its tiny ribcage .
24 So get into the habit of really looking at the viewfinder picture as you line up the shot .
25 Somehow it does n't seem right to count your calories during the week and then suddenly explode into an orgy of indiscriminate gorging when guests come and you are supposed to be the one in control .
26 You only go into the flats if you 're visiting someone or if you live there , so there 's no , there 's none of that hustle and bustle that you get on a , on a regular street .
27 Anyways , I only go into the Amiga areas , but Im sure there are general gfx areas .
28 Computer misuse or security breaches can take many forms , but these all fall into two broad categories : physical and logical .
29 In short , whereas there is not the possibility of using an argument from analogy to answer factual questions about time on the Sun , there is the possibility when it comes to people 's feelings , and so , being predisposed by the second reason to think that there is some sort of connection between moaning and the pain-language , we naturally fall into the trap of confusing valid fact-establishing arguments from analogy with invalid meaning-establishing ones , and produce the well-known argument that I am , in general , justified in applying ‘ mental ’ language to other people by the fact that they behave as I do when I 'm in a certain state of mind .
30 capitalism and then , then naturally evolve into socialism communism .
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