Example sentences of "[adv] [det] and " in BNC.

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31 I know this is really putting on you , but … well , I would appreciate it so much and will recompense you in any way I can . ’
32 The horse 's muscular control over its top lip is very precise , which is why the top lip can do so much and reveal so much : it can function like a thumbless hand , and sort and select preferred plants in the horse 's pasture , as well as reveal unrelated emotions with such dissimilar faces as those of anxiety and the Flehman posture .
33 Her beautiful mother who missed her so much and sent her all her love .
34 I 've thought about it so much and I feel it must and can be something wonderful for all of us .
35 Having enjoyed ourselves so much and being impressed by the professionalism shown by our instructor and other divers at the centre , we decided to pursue our new hobby when we returned home .
36 Yet it 's the principle , not the money , that seems to be upsetting you — and the fact that others demand or expect so much and appreciate so little .
37 I learned so much and soon caught up with the fleet ’ .
38 Even affable John , one of nature 's gentlemen , can only take so much and has now stopped being polite because when the police recognize him , as they do , they seem to take a particular delight in grilling someone famous .
39 He felt responsible for their separation and he knew that when he had had problems in the past , his parents had stopped arguing so much and pulled together to help him .
40 Few wars can have achieved so much and , as one MP wrote from Westminster on 4 April 1713 , ‘ In the churches the bells , in the streets the bonfires , and in the windows the illuminations , proclaimed the joy of the people . ’
41 Because you will all suffer so much and I would rather suffer myself than have anything happen to you . ’
42 ‘ They used the ball so much and there was all this running out of your own 25 .
43 I miss her so much and she hardly ever writes to me . ’
44 YOU are a determined and talented sign which is why you fear failure so much and resent setbacks .
45 ‘ She had already done so much and would have done a lot more .
46 It was maddening to have achieved so much and yet to have lost the object of it all .
47 Or the person who 's trying not to drink so much and beats themself up when they slip back and get drunk !
48 Sub-text : ‘ I matter so much and my feelings are so important that you are able to read my mind . ’
49 It 's just that we feel the human body can take so much and the English season is a long and punishing one as it it .
50 He saw so much and so keenly , his vision enhanced by his occulobe .
51 They 're spread all over the country , which is why I have to travel so much and why the Consulate had difficulty tracing me . ’
52 Those sessions nearly wrecked my hearing for life , but they made me laugh so much and took up so much of my off-duty that , as time went by , sometimes , just sometimes , I was able to laugh at my one-time passion for Bill .
53 I think it 's their attitude because with Mr Price we get away with so much and then he says , no , and we have a real good old time .
54 In particular , it is well established that when a statute has conferred on any body the power to make decisions affecting individuals , the courts will not only require the procedure prescribed by the statute to be followed , but will readily imply so much and no more to be introduced by way of additional procedural safeguards as will ensure the attainment of fairness .
55 In particular , it is well-established that when a statute has conferred on any body the power to make decisions affecting individuals , the courts will not only require the procedure prescribed by the statute to be followed , but will readily imply so much and no more to be introduced by way of additional procedural safeguards as will ensure the attainment of fairness .
56 They had both already seen and lived through so much and they were fearless in the way they connived to break the school rules at every opportunity .
57 I think there was only so much fun to go round , only so much and no more available .
58 ‘ I 've loved you so much and for so long ! ’
59 We 'd always get so much and we used it in rotation .
60 In fact she talked so much and so often about it that I feel I have been there myself . ’
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