Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Answer two : a crime novel may still be crime fiction , as opposed to pure fiction , even if it abandons altogether that prime staple of blueprint detective fiction , the murder puzzle .
2 Then he read somewhere that heavy sweating is how the body expels poisons it ca n't get rid of in any other way .
3 Another of Mr. Talbot 's activities was the loaning of money at a fair old rate of interest but he did not believe in spending a penny to smarten his premises from which the paint was peeling so badly that bare wood was revealed .
4 " Lovely to be going home with you , you ca n't believe how badly that old fool drives . "
5 This is a remarkable achievement , for his contemporaries ( except for some economists ) are now forgotten , even by highly educated men and women , or else they have weathered the intervening century so badly that intellectual archaeologists can once more discover forgotten merits in their writings .
6 Presumably that discredited animal testing ? ’
7 By the 1970s , the " West Indian language problem " had been probed and discussed by educators and policy makers , but still rather little actual research had been done on the language of the Caribbeans .
8 Fry 's book contains rather little biographical information , the focus being firmly on Cézanne 's work .
9 Such a degree course would not suit everyone , but it might well be attractive to the late entrants and mature students who are increasingly common participants in higher education , particularly in the humanities , and who bring valuable experience of life and work to their study , but may have rather little formal preparation .
10 Things are rarely that simple — and for a van Gogh , never .
11 Neutrinos are elusive particles which interact with matter so rarely that large bodies of material are often needed to detect them .
12 It was from this time onward that Christian churches were built for the purpose of worship and a form of Christian architecture was begun .
13 For them it was only very slowly that seasonal and migratory work was replaced by the idea of emigration to Canada or America .
14 And there was seven people that went for it and only six could do it and , I was n't gon na do it and what happened right , my name does n't , was n't picked out and er , there was this one boy , right that right , this boy called Gavin and he was n't there today .
15 And he complains bitterly that exhaustive health tests were not done years ago .
16 Although there is no rule requiring a claim for aggravated damages to be expressly pleaded , the facts relied upon for the claim should be pleaded and it would be wise to plead expressly that aggravated damages are claimed .
17 Then he can head for other Grand Slam victories and eventually that coveted No. 1 spot .
18 A rather similar pattern can be seen in the very different circumstances of the inter-war economic depression , when the Household Means Test meant effectively that young working adults living in the same household as their unemployed parents were expected to support them financially .
19 His counterparty could be someone who is prepared to take on that extra risk by selling a future or writing a call option .
20 And finally , it brought on that rich cast of wooden-topped rustics , the Starkadders , with Aunt Ada Doom in the star part , not to speak of the simpleton whose main pleasure in life was doing the washing up , or as he called it , clettering the dishes with his liddle mop .
21 There was never owt to be done with Jake when he took on that wild-eyed look . ’
22 We must not do anything to discourage people from taking on that caring role .
23 And that was only about a minute of the game gone and I dare say er Ian whose place he 's taking on that left-hand side would have relished that kind of opportunity .
24 And yet tonight , in the quiet of this room , I find that what really remains with me from this first day 's travel is not Salisbury Cathedral , nor any of the other charming sights of this city , but rather that marvellous view encountered this morning of the rolling English countryside .
25 If the relationship between two variables entirely disappears when a causally prior variable is brought under control , we say that the original relationship was spurious ; by this we do not mean that the bivariate effect did not really exist , but rather that causal conclusions drawn from it would be incorrect .
26 One final point on the relationship of social class to crime : it may not be low social class in itself which is associated with crime , but rather that low social class is liable to be linked with other factors , perhaps parental criminality , deprivation or inadequacy of some kind , which might predispose individuals brought up in certain social classes toward criminality .
27 Here , such is the pace of change , it seems rather that wholesale chaos occasionally results in selective progress .
28 I am not arguing that the lack of feminist analysis makes the accounts unsatisfactory , but rather that indisputable facts are actually withheld and half of society is virtually ignored .
29 Few thought that the winner 's cowboy hat ( and $25,000 cheque ) would come his way but rather that American Paul Pilkington , the 1990 winner , or Soviet Ravil Kashapov , or even Kenyan Sam Ngatia , a frequent competitor over 26 miles , would scoop the lot .
30 It should be stressed that the Belgian products are complementary rather that competitive with our own production .
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