Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Beside the school stood the little school house , and beside that a row of small cottages .
2 ‘ Could you elaborate on that a little ? ’ he suggested .
3 We were working with the council at ten pence and hour so we thought we were going to improve on that a wee bit .
4 Erm if if I can elaborate on on that a a little further .
5 Could you expand on that a little ?
6 Supporters were even more taken aback to learn that he was calling himself James , rather that the long-familiar Jimmy .
7 Much of the fall , however , is due to the Gulf crisis , rather that the misfortunes of Vestel 's parent .
8 Taking such a decision although costly in staff time , may over criticism that exhibition hours are designed to suit the staff rather that the public !
9 Because in a group you y y y you get this erm the individual 's ego and they , th they take on this the super ego of the , of a leader so they get this transparent idea so if a person got a stronger ego , then they 're , then they 're less likely to lose that and take on somebody else 's ideas .
10 Computers believed their silences were ‘ no ’ answers — right half the time .
11 Far greater research and time is put into enhancing the taste and aesthetic appeal of today 's food , and it is here perhaps that the most concern lies .
12 If that market open up , it could require nothing less that a Sovpac .
13 Read it aloud half a dozen times then try to set down the framework and some key ‘ trigger words ’ on half a dozen index cards .
14 You ca n't cure one evil by bringing in another a thousand times more pernicious . ’
15 Then a big rock began to move as well , and suddenly half the hillside was moving .
16 That he 'd gone out to look for her on the road and across the clunch pit field , returning alone half an hour later .
17 So it 's not his his fault but a lot of the training that we have to deliver is to do with procedures that he had n't dealt with whereas a lot of the procedures are things that I 'm familiar with there 's only some the job centre stuff
18 Another shelf is packed with new travel guides , all half the original price .
19 For example , IFS estimate that if the Department of Social Security had used the European Commission methodology , which uses expenditure rather than income , then in 1985 an extra 3.4 million people would have been found below half the national average .
20 On one occasion I had some winter clothes brought in and it did take up literally half the visit , sorting all that out , and arguing about what I could and could n't have .
21 Boil them together half an hour , or till they become a thick jelly .
22 They emerged together half an hour later , just as Bill 's car pulled into the driveway .
23 Perhaps this a characteristic to be expected of a country where it is said that one person in every three is a civil servant and that it requires 72 government permits to open a mild bar .
24 He arrived on the 18th tee needing a par to get into a play-off and , with an extraordinary demonstration of the tension involved , jumped up and down half a dozen times as his tee shot headed inexorably for the bunker on the left .
25 The next involved abseilling down half a huge rock before dropping into a pool with a waterfall close by .
26 His voice was n't its usual fulsome boom , and probably only carried down half a mile of corridor .
27 It does n't give you a hangover if you remember to get down half a pint of water before you go to sleep .
28 The hundred shares index closed down half a point at twenty-eight , twelve point six .
29 However , I prefer the bass Peter Harvey on Virgin , if only for the simply gorgeous noise he makes , sounding rather like a lyric tenor down half an octave .
30 And the videotape of Cal and me playing Bottom and Titania in A Midsummer Night 's Dream last year , with us collapsing in giggles when she tripped over a cobweb and brought down half the lights .
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