Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] they " in BNC.

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1 By all the rules of the market , Hewlett-Packard Co 's HP 3000 business computer family should be going the way of the Wang Laboratories Inc VS and the Nixdorf Computer AG 8870 , but in defiance of crude market logic , the machine is going from strength to strength , bolstered by the company 's relaxed approach to migration to Unix : because HP 3000 users know they can relatively painlessly convert to Unix any time they choose , the majority are happy to stay right where they are , and the company claims that its high-end HP 3000 system business actually grew more than 50% last year , and the much-derided Posix interface is actually enabling it to pick up applications from Unix .
2 A well-planted 30″ tank , with an open area in the front where a flat stone is placed , will usually induce the fish to use the stone to spawn on where they are easily accessible for photographing .
3 I know in the recession of lot of parents have been forced to do just that , but it was always going to be a last resort and thankfully this winter 's tour means they can stay on where they are .
4 The youngsters will have to hang on where they can .
5 A total of 40.7% of respondents chose their last holiday on the basis that they had done the same before and enjoyed it ; 19.7% went somewhere where they had always wanted to go ; and 17.9% went on a word-of-mouth recommendation .
6 On the rare occasions when a site due to be destroyed is found to be very important , construction plans may be changed to accommodate the display of the site , or the remains might be moved to somewhere where they can preserved , displayed , and enjoyed by the public .
7 She opened her mouth to speak , but could not force the sounds out , could not manage to say to Rosalba that Tommaso had wanted her to give him a different rendezvous , somewhere where they could be alone .
8 If he can produce individuals who will come and have a discussion with him or with me , I bet that we could find somewhere where they could work , especially in a city such as London where jobs in the tourist industry , in the retail trade and in the back-up to that are still available .
9 You do seem to enjoy watching nude bathers , so do n't you think it would be much better for everyone involved if you went somewhere where they did n't mind being watched ? ’
10 The option is to play somewhere where they can arrive at 2.45 and the ground is still empty . ’
11 ‘ I do think the courts should have powers to send really persistent , nasty little juvenile offenders away somewhere where they will be looked after better and where they will be educated , ’ Mr Clarke said .
12 But where it is possible , it is valuable to learn brinkmanship , because you also learn to reduce your feelings of stress under pressure and to make better use of thermals lower down where they are often smaller and more difficult to centre .
13 Instead you must note down where they are hidden .
14 There was still no sign back home that anyone else was yet up , so Patsy put the paper bag down where they were playing and the two of them resumed their game .
15 They stared in surprise and she said in a tired voice , ‘ Oh it does n't matter , I suppose , not the old skull , but he 's run me ragged just lately , picking up things round the house and putting them down where they should n't be .
16 Unionists did not wish to stand down where they had a candidate of their own ready to fight ; in these circumstances , the NDP did remarkably well in 1918 , winning eleven seats , all in Labour strongholds where neither Unionists nor Coalition Liberals had much desire to stand , and they beat both MacDonald and Henderson .
17 I wanted Hugo to return at once , at once , to keep the niggling doubts down where they belonged : what was going on ?
18 I do not want over-regulation or road traffic engineers simply toeing the line and following regulations as they are laid down where they may not be appropriate for their particular locality .
19 BL have used carousels , but only to a limited degree and , it would appear , only where they were particularly vital to insulate the biggest machines from human variability .
20 They looked rather as if they had just raided an old clothes shop , few of the items of their clothing being a match , and for the most part , fitting only where they touched .
21 A few were deliberately encouraged , but only where they could further the Institution 's watchdog' function .
22 The extent to which Louis VI and Louis VII had consolidated royal powers was masked from their contemporaries by their policy of pushing hard only where they knew that resistance was weak .
23 Only where industries used coal directly , like the forges of Sheffield , were towns yet blackened and the air poisoned ; and only where they produced ‘ waste ’ in great quantities , such as in coal-mining , glassworks and chemicals , was the landscape beginning to acquire that sterile covering of ‘ tips ’ , that were destined to go on piling up until they produced a mountain landscape in miniature ; until the vast range of coal-tips around the old town of Wigan , for example , could be sardonically nicknamed the Wigan Alps and be illustrated in later years under that name on picture postcards .
24 They attacked only where they could do so with overwhelmingly superior numbers ; in danger they disbanded .
25 The admission of new members to a Europe which allows them to adopt common policies only where they are feasible and productive , and the consequent necessary institutional changes which will allow existing members this option , would bring about the effective development of a ‘ Europe of varying geometry ’ in a calm and deliberate fashion .
26 Their chances of success were far less where they were relegated to the position of enactor or mere facilitator , as some were .
27 Francis used to imitate the Abaconian speech , dropping aitches from where they belonged , slipping them in where they did not .
28 Among shrubs or in mixed borders , variegated plants help to add interest to the rest of the display , especially where they contrast with bronze or purple foliage , or harmonise with a golden colour group .
29 Achieving regular employment has been one of the most difficult targets for people who have left institutions and there is a marked descent through the occupational and class structure so that , especially where they have suffered illnesses such as schizophrenia , the work they are able to get tends to be of an unskilled or semi-skilled kind .
30 An important clue to this act of discrimination has always been found in the existence of regularities , especially where they make prediction possible .
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