Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] his " in BNC.

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31 On the particular afternoon to which I am referring , his lordship would still have been in his mid-fifties ; but as I recall , his hair had greyed entirely and his tall slender figure already bore signs of the stoop that was to become so pronounced in his last years .
32 He probably revised it as it went along and his recurring use of various kinds of lists as a basis for the structure of the work may well reflect Dr Battie 's influence .
33 The centre forward , whom they nicknamed Ossie , wore his sideburns long and his shorts even longer — but at least he kept them on for the duration .
34 Inman was retired prematurely and his post abolished , and Hunt was given an annual salary of £1,000 for a minimum of one day a week at the Office , although according to the Secretary , he was usually there ‘ nearly half a week ’ .
35 He explained to Helen the painful discomfort of his frequent erections while they walked together and his determination to avoid masturbation .
36 Next he jumped in the air with his feet together and his knees bent , then he knelt on one knee while she leapt into the air .
37 His father 's brows drew together and his eyes flashed with anger .
38 He smoked constantly and his clothes were always smeared with cigarette ash .
39 I love my fiancé very much but his personal hygiene leaves a lot to be desired , and judging by the conversations I 've had with friends , their men are just the same .
40 That is to say , he could think through those ideas and feelings and in theory he could say them aloud but his shyness and his social position and the conventions about men expressing their feelings would have prevented him .
41 Wycliffe did not say the words aloud but his lips formed them .
42 So he went to sit down but his chair were n't there .
43 but I put him on some medicine I got from the chemist and it seems to have calmed it down but his nose is more er hot and cold
44 Mr Pitt had better cheer up soon or his career will sink without trace , and throughout the whole film you can see the joins .
45 However , in June , rugby is still some time away and his formidable catering expertise was well in evidence in the hospital .
46 His blue eyes were gazing far away and his wife knew that he was thinking of that distant evening when he and Mrs Curdle had first met , on just such an April evening , many years ago .
47 1992 The extent of the rift between Charles and Diana is made plain to the world on their tour of India as she turns her face away and his attempted kiss turns into nothing but a grimace .
48 ‘ Slowly the animals turned away and his friends managed to run to the safety of their Land Rover . ’
49 Specks of the blood spattered his face , then the Frenchman was falling away and his dying weight ripped his body clear of the long steel blade .
50 He looked away and his shrug betrayed an uncharacteristic diffidence .
51 I heard it scrape as it was lifted away and his voice sang out .
52 She turned away and his hand shot out to grip her wrist in a vice-like clamp .
53 We call him ‘ gangling Chang ’ to distinguish him from the other Changs , because he is tall , thin , loose-limbed , and is ready to laugh about anything , although it appears he has some family problems in that his wife is away and his baby son is ill .
54 At seminary , it was assumed that God was above and his servants below , and somewhere in between came his ministers of religion .
55 Nearly all of them use a formulaic phrase : ‘ I dug him downstairs and his belly rolled over to there . ’
56 They decided Mr Newall was butchered downstairs and his wife in her bedroom .
57 His heart thumped painfully and his hands began to shake again causing the light from the beat lamp to flicker wildly over the gravestones .
58 The formality of the occasion slightly spoiled as Sadat and about thirty Egyptian officials waved goodbye ; the Shah turned the 707 too soon and his hosts were exposed to the full blast of it taxiing engines .
59 His heart was still banging away unhealthily and his breath was wheezing with its late efforts , but he knew things were under control again .
60 He was not a man to whom gracious speech came easily and his cheeks , roughened and weathered by years of riding on the open moor , twitched as he sought for words .
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