Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] part " in BNC.

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1 Can you so easily part with me ?
2 Crabb Robinson 's records looked odd transcribed in Roland 's own rather cramped script , less confident , less homogeneously part of a life .
3 In terms of land , the early Merovingian kings were probably well endowed with estates and palaces , many of them perhaps originally part of the imperial fisc .
4 In the past , the site 's been home to a church , a castle — perhaps even part of a palace .
5 Well we had er , we took out all the gear for that , so I knew a lot , being a crane driver I 'd know what gear I wanted but a lot of these stevedores what are on there now , they were lorry drivers and they ai n't got a clue what they do , so there part of my job meant I 'd go round and give advice .
6 So what we actually are possibly seeing is ourselves coming out of the trough so therefore part of it 's a training curve , but we do need to see that training curve start to come down and get back on to a level but we do n't know where the level is , that 's what worries us at this stage .
7 For one brief moment I felt the full shock of its death ; of a life , until recently , so remote , so inextricably part of the mountains and forests , now suddenly laid out at my feet .
8 Such notes are usually signed by the buyer 's warehouse staff , who are not necessarily part of the buyer 's purchasing department , and may have no idea of what the requirement under the contract is in relation to the goods .
9 That is not necessarily part of the press release but it does give the editor some important information .
10 Those which used Aube wines put forward the argument that the Aube was not only part of the historic province of Champagne , but its chief town , Troyes , was the ancient provincial capital and once the seat of the counts of Champagne .
11 In the first batch , the Preston by-pass ( 1958 ) and the Lancaster and Maidstone by-passes ( 1960 ) formed not only part of the national motorway pattern but also constituted important local features in the urban environment .
12 Finally , two other points , admittedly only suggestive , might be mentioned : first , the fact that Mehmed II is noted for his activity in organizing , and centralizing control over , the various institutions of the state in a number of ways ; and second , the fact that the Sahn was not only part of his most important pious endowment in his newly-conquered capital of Istanbul , but also far and away the most extensive medrese complex thus far created in the Ottoman state .
13 The CSO 's new director , Bill McLennan , said the changes were not only part of general tidying up operation to standardise distribution but also to prevent leaks .
14 All these are not merely parts of our descriptive model ; we assume that they correspond very directly to aspects of the activity which goes on in the mind of speakers ; by contrast the relation of instantiation which links particular items of the English vocabulary and the elements E and P is metalinguistic , since in any particular use of a linguistic structure the word-meanings which are present , supported of course by the word-forms which are the overt carriers of the meanings , are the Es and the Ps , rather than being related to them .
15 The trouble was that ( where it was not already part of tradition ) the introduction of piece-work was often resisted , especially by the skilled men , and that it was complex and obscure not only for the workers , but for employers who often had only the haziest idea of what production-norms to set .
16 The dispositional analysis is meant to cover the whole of the relevant mental state , not just part of it , and that mental state must include its content , otherwise what is thought will not be the content of the psychological act of my thinking .
17 We are now beginning to realise that we are not just part of nature , we are inextricably related to nature .
18 Letting a wine ‘ breathe ’ is not just part of its mystique — it allows oxygen to enter , which releases flavours and softens harsh edges , so you can appreciate its flavour .
19 It 's not just part of a trend any more .
20 The attractor X has the properties that it is invariant under the flow and can not be decomposed into non-overlapping invariant pieces : any motion on the attractor is confined to the attractor , and not just part of the attractor .
21 The grant and loan system is designed to cover the entire academic year , not just part of it .
22 Brands are not just part of our Company , they are our Company , and brand building is our business .
23 ‘ It is essential that all changes take account of the package 's whole life-cycle , not just part of it . ’
24 For example , in Syllabus B we had to study the whole of Beowulf , and not just part of it .
25 They pulp all the wood , not just part of it ; bleach it with hydrogen peroxide .
26 Mr Murray made it clear yesterday that he would like the counties to accept the whole plan , not just parts of it as has happened with earlier committees .
27 Candidate requirements such as particular skills or personality are not normally part of a job description .
28 The administration 's response to these dilemmas is , first , to keep as secret as possible what the state is doing and , second , to operate through organizations not formally part of the state apparatus .
29 And the best building , though it 's not technically part of St Aldate 's , was the one he obviously chose as his fort , which was Christchurch .
30 Mirth , tranquillity and enthusiasm are not directly part of the transcendent world , yet they are essential to it , just as they are essential for a successful and happy life .
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