Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Slowly lower the elbows apart until a full stretch is obtained .
2 Slowly lower the dumb-bell as far behind the head as possible , keeping the hips down .
3 Slowly lower the dumb-bell to the back of the head , keeping the upper arm vertical .
4 Slowly lower the forearm to the starting position .
5 Triceps extension — slowly lower the dumb-bell to the back of the head and then press to the vertical position
6 Slowly lower the dumb-bells to the start position .
7 Slowly lower the arms , still keeping them slightly bent at the elbows until the dumb-bells are level with the chest .
8 Projects UK , 1 Black Swan Court , Westgate Road , Newcastle ( Until March 7 ) AS the second of the four overseas photographers , who came to Tyneside last summer , thereby pre-empting the international flavour of the Cleveland 's River Tees project by more than a year , Natassa Markidou , who has a studio and dark-room in Athens , decided that she wanted to commemorate her stay in the North-East by going back to basics .
9 Beside the school stood the little school house , and beside that a row of small cottages .
10 Veteran Australian Cheyne Horan took third place , while Tahiti 's Vetea ‘ Poto ’ David , a popular favourite with the crowd , who stylishly hot-dogged the biggest waves on the shortest board , was only narrowly pushed into second .
11 If this is so , it renders rather arcane the controversy about whether the dipnois were the true air-sucking lungfish , or the crossopterygii as is recorded in most textbooks .
12 It was most odd the way this woman had immediately made her feel as though she had to be conciliating .
13 Teachers ' status position in the school hierarchy also significantly affects these attitudes , the most senior ( heads and deputies ) being almost neutral , the most junior the most negative and ‘ middle management ’ ( heads of faculties , departments , years ) slightly less so .
14 Again the most senior teachers in schools are the least negative in this regard and the most junior the most negative .
15 Rather dear the shirt .
16 Also at the table were the Most Reverend the Archbishop of Canterbury and Mrs Robert Runcie ; Viscount Churchill , a former Lord Mayor of London Sir Robin Gillett , and Lady Gillett ; the Earl and Countess of Strathmore , and the Doyen of the Diplomatic Corps the High Commissioner for Cyprus and Mrs Tasos Panayides .
17 The main function of nematode haemoglobin is thought to be to transport oxygen , acquired by diffusion through the cuticle or gut , into the tissues ; blood-sucking worms presumably ingest a considerable amount of oxygenated nutrients in their diet .
18 Mostly definite the restaurant .
19 ‘ Could you elaborate on that a little ? ’ he suggested .
20 We were working with the council at ten pence and hour so we thought we were going to improve on that a wee bit .
21 Erm if if I can elaborate on on that a a little further .
22 Could you expand on that a little ?
23 Supporters were even more taken aback to learn that he was calling himself James , rather that the long-familiar Jimmy .
24 Much of the fall , however , is due to the Gulf crisis , rather that the misfortunes of Vestel 's parent .
25 Taking such a decision although costly in staff time , may over criticism that exhibition hours are designed to suit the staff rather that the public !
26 There 's something about that flight … every time you do it , you just get off the plane shaking your head and thinking how incredibly tolerant the staff are .
27 The , we did er our baths were dating from the nineteen fourteen period and they were getting rather old the , the , the boiler was n't too good and we were afraid that it might burst at some time .
28 Sure , ‘ Something So Good ’ and ‘ Harbour Force ’ are thoroughly adequate on a headnodding level , vaguely emotional and politely insistent the both of them .
29 or deftly rabbit-punch a kidney
30 and I think that rather ruined the whole afternoon erm
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