Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] something " in BNC.

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1 Right until you eventually got something physical to relate it to .
2 Go on say something in french to us Carla .
3 Come on say something .
4 Say bye Wendy go on say something
5 They eventually found something that she thought perfect .
6 James was trying slowly to work something out in his mind .
7 I still had five , and I had rather expected something of the kind might happen .
8 Inside that repressed little shell something tells me there 's a wild , passionate woman begging to be released . ’
9 Then , to the disappointment of both therapist and patient , the improvement halts and fades away and the patient moves on to try something else , blaming either themselves or the therapist .
10 Well I 'd rather I 'd rather buy something and I no point buying her jumpers , I think she 's got jumpers ha so
11 A group of men and women are coming together to re-create something that is beautiful , more beautiful than I can ever realize by simply reading the score .
12 Older gameheads might perhaps prefer something deeper , but , in terms of pure techno-flash , Sonic 2 defines the current state of the art .
13 But she was n't looking up high enough to see something that shifted my pulse rate along a notch or two .
14 ‘ I suppose we 'd better eat something . ’
15 A large carthorse stood drowsily eating something in the grass .
16 Their Saturday evening concert at the Arts Centre showed them to be individual artists of the highest quality who together produced something greater than just the sum of the parts .
17 As a rough guide two strands wound together make something approximately like three-ply in thickness and three together are usually reckoned to be about a four-ply. these fine industrial yarns used to be in the ‘ odds and ends ’ bins , but the manufacturers have caught on to the fact that they are popular with machine knitters , so now they can be bought under a brand name .
18 ‘ She had only to see something once and she remembered it .
19 And in the computer model too , the numerical values of the nine genes only mean something when they are translated into growing rules for the branching tree pattern .
20 This column has been set aside for the punchcard machines , but I 'm not forgetting that some of you have manual machines and I hope in future issues in to include something for you from time to time .
21 If we analyse the relation between the event of " passively experiencing " denoted by have and that of saying or happening denoted by the infinitive , it becomes obvious immediately that the two must be conceived as occurring in the same stretch of time : one can only experience something while it is happening .
22 You , you can put more resources into things and not necessarily provide something better so I think that one has to try and do the two together .
23 So say something Brian for God 's sake !
24 In fact it could be very significant that the first words of the poem are , I imagine , because what does the poet , what do any of us do , we sit down to write something .
25 It was a lot of sort of hippies pulling together to pull something off — hardly your Daily Mirror love nest , if you get my drift .
26 These workers regarded themselves as temporarily relieving their parents of the burden of supporting them and perhaps contributing something to the overall family budget .
27 Such episodes may , of course , be confused as passing acknowledgements , but the readiness to exchange such signals is one of the ways in which we register the normality of the passing scene and it is when we encounter consistent anomalies in the broadcast that we begin to suspect and perhaps report something odd .
28 They may sit around watching their child play but only say something when the child starts to misbehave ; injunctions not to do something or to be careful or not to make so much noise focus on control issues only .
29 Because they 're almost there — unlike previous white soul or funk aspirants like Kevin Rowland or A Certain Ratio who fell so far shod of their ambitions they inadvertently created something different , these groups have , through graft and expense , come close , and so clog the second division of pop-soul .
30 In fact , we can only doubt something if we believe something else .
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