Example sentences of "[adv] [be] find " in BNC.

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1 ‘ These deals have slowly been finding out that they just ca n't get financing , ’ said William Lefebvre , a market analyst with New York 's Advest group .
2 An aeroplane taking 22 men of the Special Air Service Regiment in June 1944 to be dropped behind the German lines to join the Maquis was recalled on account of bad weather , crashed somewhere in the wooded area near Dijon and no trace has since been found of the plane and its company .
3 Higher readings than expected have since been found by monitors along the coastline near Sellafield , and even in the dust inside seaside houses .
4 LTP has since been found in all excitatory pathways in the hippocampus , as well as in several other regions in the brain , and there is growing evidence that it underlies at least certain forms of memory .
5 Over 140 different games have since been found throughout Germany , Italy , Holland , Japan and , most recently , here in the UK .
6 China and Taiwan claimed to have ended the trade in rhino and tiger products earlier this year , but stockpiles have since been found in both countries .
7 Tiny Andrew Morrison , who was born nine weeks early at the Countess of Chester Hospital , is among 481 children treated by a junior doctor who has since been found to be suffering from TB .
8 One of the lorries has since been found in Gateshead .
9 Two have since been found they were advertised for sale in Darlington but the third , which she had as a foal , is still missing .
10 Such a conception allows for a greater fluidity between the two modes than has hitherto been found acceptable .
11 Assuming the car had gone missing at the same ti me as Angela Morgan , it might have been there for over a week ; it had only been found that evening by a uniformed constable who was keeping his eyes open .
12 The defences at Alcester have only been found at one point on the north-west side by the river , and are of two periods with a wall supported by timber piles , close enough to the river bank as not to need a ditch system at this point .
13 Three hundred and twenty-five works of art reported missing from Paris 's Musée Jacquemart-André in an inventory published in April 1991 by the Cour des Comptes the lofty body responsible for controlling public finance have not only been found , but never left the museum according to a second survey carried out by order of a Paris court .
14 Although there are cases where a significant field difference has only been found when some form of retention interval has been imposed on the subject ( e.g. Dee and Fontenot , 1973 ) it is unlikely that these are the only circumstances in which reliable effects occur ( Schmuller , 1980 ) .
15 A. palmeri has only been found in the tropical western Atlantic in comparatively shallow water .
16 The Chibis suit ( resembling the lower half of a diving suit ) which the cosmonauts use to draw the blood into the lower pad of the body and legs has apparently been found unsuitable for women .
17 The Paneth and Peters work was his speciality and he was enthused by the fact that some helium had apparently been found .
18 It has apparently been found that rigid bolted or glued joints will break in use .
19 In the course of this study , our understanding of methane formation and transport ( particularly methane in groundwater ) , as well as our ability to model its movement mechanisms , have all been found lacking in some important way .
20 In the course of this study , our understanding of the sources of methane ( particularly of methane in groundwaters ) , our means of identifying these sources , and our ability to model the mechanisms of movement through the ground , have all been found lacking in some important way .
21 The foreground software used ; Smart , Cardbox and Multiplan have all been found to work fine with memory resident software over many months of use .
22 ‘ They seed all over the place and have the morals of tom cats , so are found in every flower bed , skulking behind hedges , peering round gate posts , naturalising in any open space .
23 The Royal Academy of Arts in London was founded 1768 , and holds an annual exhibition of work by contemporary painters where ‘ some evil old ruffian of a Dog-stealer will annually be found embodying all the cardinal virtues , on account of his eyelashes , or his chin , or his legs ’ .
24 I did n't ring him to ask his advice on how to pick up women — and if I did , it would only be to find out where he buys his chloroform .
25 Reasons can only be found in the unique significance of human life and in the need to mark out , and to prevent , conduct which causes its loss .
26 Through the eyes of bishops we can catch an occasional glimpse of little groups of them ; but with the conversion of the Franks from c .500 and of the English from c .600 onwards , they could only be found in large numbers on the fringes of Western Christendom and in the outer darkness beyond .
27 But a difference between the two conditions ( the two INT groups of the figure ) could only be found if the effects of aversive conditioning were context-specific ; and , as we have already seen , aversive conditioning ( at least with a moderate level of initial training and a mild shock as the US such as Kaye et al .
28 If it had become axiomatic that the author ( or ‘ scriptor ’ in Ricardou 's terminology ) had become decentred and that the novel could not represent any psychological or social reality , then the origins of a text could only be found in the self-generating aspect of language itself .
29 But it will probably be around the time of the Full Moon on the 14th that you decide enough is enough and when you realise that success , solace or excitement can only be found in a different setting .
30 Henry II 's mistress , is told by CD in A Child 's History of England : ‘ It relates how the King doted on fair Rosamond … and how he had a beautiful Bower built for her in a Park at Woodstock ; and how it was erected in a labyrinth , and could only be found by a clue of silk .
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