Example sentences of "[adv] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 BERNIE Slaven 's outburst at being left out in the cold could cost him a place in the starting line-up as Middlesbrough take on Tranmere tonight .
2 It 's mostly Harlow actually when you look through it .
3 When I started in the Preliminary Training School two and a half years ago my aunt had passed Little Ben on to me and had my name engraved beneath hers and grandfather 's on the back .
4 Flamenco at its most heart stoppingly authentic ’ The Guardian Dancers and musicians with all the romance , power , heat and rhythm of Spain .
5 To use the words of Henry James : ‘ in the light , strange and coloured , like that of a painted picture , which fixed the impression for her , objects took on values not hitherto so fully shown ’ .
6 Oh right Lisa later on .
7 For the most part however , he kept his curves and measurements in his head , and could measure three feet more accurately between his nose and this thumb than many could with a yard-wand .
8 Even in the central Largo , for the most part sensitively played , he risked a quite unidiomatic accelerando which , miraculously , the orchestra paralleled .
9 Nevertheless the rough tone , irregular rhythms and ‘ dirty ’ intonation that most blues singers would have used are for the most part conspicuously absent in Elvis 's performance ; his tone is full , rich and well produced , his intonation is precise , stable and ‘ correct ’ , the notes are sustained and held right through , and the phrasing is legato .
10 It is surely not being excessively pompous to see this as one sign of a trivialisation of European civilisation , or to accept that there has been a catastrophic spiritual impoverishment of national life when a country such as our own , which once thought of itself as Christian , can for the most part simply ignore today 's commemoration of Christ 's passion and death .
11 He concluded that the questions and comments from Gary and Aggi were for the most part simply those necessary to conduct the bartering and maintain their cover .
12 As noted in the previous chapter , Mustakimzade positively rejects the Muftilik of Molla Yegan , and the later authors for the most part simply ignore him .
13 Occasionally a very clean housekeeper , like Mrs Joe Gargery in Great Expectations , may possess ‘ an exquisite art of making her cleanliness more uncomfortable and unacceptable than dirt itself ’ , rather as some people do their religion ; but for the most part both cleanliness and godliness are of the comfortable variety among the working classes .
14 Editorial standards in the media operate for the most part well inside those limits , with the criminal law invoked chiefly against publications which have as their primary function the exploitation of those limits through material traded as ‘ forbidden fruit ’ .
15 They are still well maintained , although no longer for the most part privately owned .
16 The colours used for fresco painting were for the most part easily obtained : red ochre , yellow ochre , black ( either from charred bone or from carbonaceous shale ) and blue ( from a copper-tinted glass ) .
17 Although their boundaries can not be other than arbitrary , the South-West , the West Midlands , the Northern and the rest are for the most part easily identifiable territories , demarcated with a fair degree of consistency by public authorities , the media and national associations of all sorts including political parties .
18 Attitudes amongst Oxfordshire teachers towards SSE as a general notion are for the most part moderately positive , but towards the LEA scheme moderately negative , particularly so with regard to the time it takes .
19 The skirmishers in the fields had seen them now , and the French had started to withdraw , firing occasionally , but for the most part just running as fast as they could , to obtain cover amidst the village buildings .
20 The scheme is generally considered successful in making science more enjoyable and accessible for students , though the goal of independent practical work by students has for the most part not been achieved .
21 These regimes , however , are recent creations , for the most part crudely and poorly grafted onto society ; in some of these countries , the ‘ permanence ’ of their socialist transformations is questionable .
22 The shouting of the dark-faced men was louder , the bustle more urgent , the dismantled machinery for the most part back in place again .
23 Although it is common practice to distinguish what Henry Sweet called ‘ form-words ’ as distinct from ‘ full words ’ and to locate the former in grammar rather than lexis , it has to be noted that these ‘ form-words ’ have emerged over time from full-blown lexical sources , and for the most part still have recognizable kin which show clear signs of the relationship .
24 Thus , in general , when all taxes , both direct and indirect , are combined the tax burden is for the most part far from progressive .
25 Working sometimes independently of one another on separate teams , but for the most part together , we managed to capture some eighty hours of usable film spanning nine separate expeditions .
26 And on the ridge of this endless mountain chain runs this strange chasm , for the most part almost 7,000 feet deep , which can be traced right along the backbone .
27 In this situation , where the ‘ community ’ has become the farm itself , the farm worker lives in a somewhat privatized world , for the most part socially invisible to the rest of society .
28 In the course of the trip de Klerk held high-level talks with politicians and officials in France , the United Kingdom , West Germany , Greece , Portugal , Switzerland , Spain , Belgium and Italy , and was for the most part sympathetically received .
29 The result of all this is that the Asian elephant is for the most part now confined to hilly and mountainous regions .
30 In 1866 Reichenberg ( Liberec ) , the Bohemian textile centre , still produced half its total output on the looms of artisan weavers , admittedly for the most part now dependent on a few large factories .
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