Example sentences of "[pron] because she " in BNC.

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1 The delight on her face was mixed with astonishment ; in fact I know we were both astonished , she because I was so skinny and I because she was so fat .
2 Because I I mean I because she had asked me originally to keep it but I keep mine all separate until you asked me for it .
3 and she said she , its cos she said , she said of course if its because she 's so used to Joe he would of , I said yeah but he went over the top did n't he , cos he always did every thing to perfection , I said you ca n't have Joe doing it
4 And that was when her conscience , which because she 'd got something else to think about had stayed quiet , suddenly started to get to her about the way in which she was deceiving the man she loved .
5 In fact , she 's just like one of my relations — I ca n't tell you who because she 'd kill me .
6 there is Suzannah the whore in biblical legend and the prostitute who models as Suzannah , their stories parallel with that of Artemesia who because she was raped changes from virgin to whore all three were exploited and abused by men .
7 And she went with you because she wanted the money .
8 You know you because she 's not talking to me .
9 There was no time to get you because she was making for the gate . ’
10 Dr Anthony Storr , author of the recently-published Churchill 's Black Dog , in which he showed how senior politicans often turned stresses of up-bringing into strengths , said yesterday : ‘ I 'm interested because the gates must mean that she 's feeling increasingly insecure and threatened in a simple , straightforward way ; and that 's an interesting phenomenum in itself because she 's been so absolutely certain of herself .
11 And bouncy there gets all the fuss does n't she because she 's so she 's so full of life .
12 I mean mum was n't that good was she because she I mean
13 My face must have registered something because she took a step backwards .
14 Those who say they like washing up do not like the task itself — one woman likes it because she has a dishwasher , one because she has just acquired a new stainless steel sink , and the third likes it merely ‘ to get it out of the way ’ .
15 Or was she just telling us she 's having one because she thought we might be interested ? ’
16 you can guarantee it she goes to shops about eleven o'clock , she do n't come back till one because she 's been talking on shops , that 's her routine you know ?
17 Margaret Atwood 's The Handmaid 's Tale is a strange , almost dreamy novel about the wild feelings , memories and wayward emotions of a woman who ca n't express them because she 's not allowed to have them .
18 She had started the lessons because her mother had insisted and she now continued them because she loved being with Miss Hatherby .
19 I reminded her about the things she said last night — the things you apparently overheard , so you say — and she now realises she was quite wrong to say those things , even if they were supposed to be some kind of joke … and … she is sorry for saying them because she now understands that those careless words of hers were what basically caused the misunderstanding . ’
20 Or worst of all be like Caroline , running along pathetically after modern art and modern ideas and never catching up with them because she 's someone quite different at heart and yet can never see it .
21 She was not so far gone in the sinful practice of dissimulation that she felt free to claim that she meant to ask them because she knew Betty would be pleased , and she could think of no other remotely credible reason for doing so .
22 Twice before she 'd had proposals of marriage and had rejected them because she could n't feel for the men they came from .
23 She had always laughed , enjoyed the flattery , never expecting love from any of them because she had not loved any of them herself , but this time was different .
24 Mind you , I do n't think they 're married either of them because she comes under the name Miss and well her name 's Estelle and he 's Paul , but she 's known as because I 've had two or three people ask me about her because she , she deals in insurance .
25 She said nothing because she did not know what to say .
26 Oliver was very glad to be free of Mrs Mann 's violence , but he said nothing because she was angrily shaking her finger at him .
27 She was already within arm 's length , only the door standing between them to prevent him from reaching her , and she clearly suspected nothing because she was moving in and as her hand passed close to the glass , he could see it in vivid pastel detail .
28 The patient , whom I shall call Maxine , first came to see me because she had a phobia about water — a phobia which was becoming so exaggerated that she could not even bear to put her hands in water and had to rely on creams and lotions to cleanse her face and body .
29 A middle-aged woman and mother of three teenage children , she came to consult me because she suffered from a phobia about birds .
30 She did n't tell me because she did n't want me to feel worse about them .
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