Example sentences of "[pron] first [det] " in BNC.

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1 Even today , decades after I saw my first such microscope slide , I still think them extravagantly beautiful and can easily get lost in contemplation of the cellular thicket the microscope reveals , made the more intriguing by the curious , almost three-dimensional effect the stain gives ; as it brings into vision only a few of the total population of the neurons present , the cells seem to stand out like trees in a winter mist ( Figure 10.6 ) .
2 Almost without being aware of it I 'd progressed from the hesitancy of my first few days there to a strong positive desire to go down to the starting gate : any starting gate , anywhere .
3 When we signed the Report , on 29 January 1970 , I was in my first few weeks of a sabbatical term at Merton College , Oxford , and in need of a short rest from the work and vocabulary of education .
4 In fact , during my first few months , I have not been able to identify any major differences between the procedures that the Institute has set up in response to the Companies Act and those that I would expect from an ‘ external ’ regulator .
5 In my first few months I made some real gaffes — sitting in the wrong part of the dining room , for instance , and using a commanding manner with staff who were n't used to it .
6 In my first few years in the London activist network I was several times courted ( it seems the only appropriate word ) to join currently all-male organizations as a token lesbian but none of them offered , alongside the assumption that this would be a privileged or welcome position , the incentive that Switchboard did : the callers .
7 That 's just as well , because judging where the ball 's going takes a bit of practice — I did n't win a single point in my first few games .
8 During my first few days in the refuge , I feel myself descend into depression .
9 I must admit that my first few days in my new home were quite strange and a little frightening .
10 In my first few years in Parliament , the building industry experienced a tremendous downturn in its work load and was worried about its future .
11 After guiding Donegal to their first All Ireland Championship victory last September , his name has been volleyed into immortality .
12 However , life will never be like it was when September 18 comes around and Ards step into a whole new ball game with their first All Ireland League game , albeit against Armagh .
13 Many pilots find that they manage safely on their first few short cloud climbs but that they soon get tired and lose their concentration .
14 He half hoped she 'd bring back a burnt-offering , the way she had so often in their first few months of marriage , when she had deigned to cook for him .
15 Houck had personally followed the histories of two reactors in Missouri ( Callaway ) and Kansas ( Wolf Creek ) which were prototypes for Hinkley C. Both had cost three times their original budget — $3 billion apiece — and had been plagued with teething problems in their first few years of operation .
16 There is especially favourable treatment for partnerships in their first few years of trading and , similarly , special rules apply when a ‘ cessation ’ occurs .
17 Katharine has her own horse , Liam , with whom she successfully competes at Novice level and last summer they did their first few Elementary tests together .
18 For anyone building their first few projects the best advice is to avoid any mains powered project .
19 She knew hat she would be flaunted before the whole of Northumberland if her mother had her way , so , although aware that good form dictated that she should dress down in the country , she took a deep breath and faced the fact that , for their first few outings at least , she would have to wear what Nora called her ‘ dressy ’ clothes .
20 In their first few months of training , they can give consideration to making their own arrangements if they so choose .
21 He said that if I woke early — and most visitors from Paris did wake early their first few mornings — I should get up straightaway and walk into town .
22 They live their first few months in the river , then migrate downstream to the sea ; they spend two or three years in feeding and growing out at sea , during which they cover thousands of miles ; and when mature , they migrate back to exactly the same river , and same tributary , as they were born in .
23 Now suspect that this is something that most people fall into on their first few training sessions which is all to be about this er er er have you got any questions and most people I was gon na say good morning , but you got a paragraph down now and it 's all about slowing down and you can speed up as you go through but it 's certainly the opening slowing down .
24 The better arrangement would be to renegotiate the restraints to protect the goodwill which it is hoped will accrue to the new firms in their first few years of business after the demerger .
25 ‘ Raising pupils awareness is especially important as so many young people are injured in their first few days at work . ’
26 Fifteen companies combined last week to make a single joint submission to the Object Management Group in its quest for Object Services , its first such Request For Technology , which closed on Friday with eight submissions representing some 25 companies .
27 Fifteen companies combined last week to make a single joint submission to the Object Management Group in its quest for Object Services , its first such Request For Technology ( UX No 420 ) .
28 In its first such action in the UK , the Earth First ! group attacked peat-cutting machinery and water pumps on Thorne and Hatfield Moors , causing an estimated £100,000 worth of damage .
29 HO Circular ( 194/78 ) describing British and American research literature on policing is another typically apologetic , anti-intellectual document , for within its first few paragraphs it admits :
30 It remains unclear to what extent the government and its advisers in the Department of Energy were aware at this stage , as the Hinkley C Inquiry progressed through its first few months , of the true state of nuclear economics .
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