Example sentences of "[pron] also that " in BNC.

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1 In case you think I have been having a merry old time , I 'd better tell you also that I have been staying up to the small hours as there has been such a lot of preparation to do , and the course participants have also been keen to make use of our presence by asking all kinds of questions about English etc. , so this is literally the first free time I have been able to make since I have been here .
2 Certainly it was the case that the new religious enthusiasm that was replacing the dying Puritanism assured the individual of his intrinsic worth , and assured him also that he was loved and cherished by God .
3 Tell him also that we do not react well to such behaviour . ’
4 I told him also that Britain 's only strategic weapon would be the minimum deterrent constituted by Trident .
5 Rumours had it also that there had been a little bit of nasty business first .
6 In the course of the evening a note was handed in from Mrs Campbell of Jura House saying she had heard of our arrival and as she was sure there was no comfort in the Hotel she hoped we would come there in the morning and stay with them while we were on the island , assuring us also that she would do all in her power to further the cause for which we had come .
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