Example sentences of "[pron] time to " in BNC.

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1 They were a tremendous help during that period when my athletics earning power was almost nil but I had to devote all my time to athletics to achieve success .
2 I want to devote all my time to finding out who murdered Sandy .
3 Being unemployed in the TA was a positive advantage as it meant that I could devote all my time to training .
4 As the delegated head of this wonderful club , I see my duties as follows : firstly to my wife and children ; secondly to other members of my family ; then to consolidate my assets in any profitable manner I choose ; and then to devote the rest of my time to the welfare of this club .
5 Firstly , that as chairman of Athletico Whaddon I will never devote less than 36 per cent of my time to the club and , secondly , there are , this season , substantial discounts to any supporter spending over £20 at my Superette .
6 and I do prefer to work on the er on a personal recommendations or referrals basis because that actually allows me to , to devote most of my time to my current clients without having to go out cold calling and looking for people .
7 Some ministers devoted part of their time to local affairs : S. J. Smith , for example , was born in Bedford in 1822 and became a Congregational minister in Enfield after attending a denominational college and taking the London BA .
8 We think it desirable that the same type of teacher should be employed in these courses ( One-Year , Terminal and less formal ) as in University Tutorial Classes and that arrangements should be made whereby staff-tutors appointed for extra-mural work by the Universities should be encouraged to devote part of their time to less formal work , not only in the interests of the work , but also in order to provide a variety of occupation for the tutor and to ensure that he keeps in touch with all phases of the adult education movement .
9 While it was possible to identify a group of 27 libraries with staff members whose title included ‘ training ’ , ‘ development ’ or ‘ personnel ’ , they did not uniformly devote a major part of their time to training , and there were instances of authorities who named individuals apparently spending more of their time on training than ‘ named ’ training officers .
10 Authorities as a whole divided themselves clearly into three groups ( see Table 19 ) : firstly , those who said that one person or a small specified group allocated the equivalent of a quarter of their time to training , secondly , those authorities who estimated a smaller amount of one person 's time ( normally 10–15% and most commonly Deputy or Assistant Chiefs ) and thirdly , those allocating largely nominal ( or no responsibility ) for training .
11 Large libraries were just as likely as small ones to want more training officers ' time , even though they were far more likely to employ a designated training officer ( or someone who devoted at least a quarter of their time to training ) .
12 He argued that teenagers were wasting their opportunities at Dovercourt , keeping the futile hope alive that they would be adopted by rich families and lead a fine life , when they could have been using their time to constructive purpose .
13 define a multidisciplinary clinical team as having professionals from different disciplines giving a significant portion of their time to the work of the group .
14 When the children are gone , and no longer require parental help and support , how is their time to be filled ?
15 The outcome ( perhaps this would have happened whoever had been at the Ministry of Labour ) was that most of the principal figures of the Government devoted a good part of their time to assisting Steel-Maitland in his job .
16 The Balinese are remarkable in that they give but half their time to the chores of food and shelter ; the rest is devoted simply to the celebration of life .
17 They could devote only very little of their time to the affairs of the BDDA , and until 1922 even had to pay their own expenses .
18 The French and Russian revolutions had made an enormous contribution in their time to human progress , but they lived today in a different world in which universal human values must have priority .
19 They thought they could regain his soul by sorcery , and so they devoted all of their time to weaving a spell to do so .
20 The science report suggests that in the fourth and fifth years pupils should be devoting 20 per cent of their time to science .
21 Males can produce sperms at a faster rate than females can produce eggs , and are therefore selected to allocate more of their time to searching and competing for mates than are females .
22 Confronted by a section in a Quaternary deposit there are physical geographers who would devote all their time to the analysis of the sediment characteristics and not look at the space relationships of the feature in which the deposit occurs , and there are others who would deliberate about morphological evolution without closely investigating the sediment .
23 It recommended fellow-prisoners to occupy their time to the best advantage , such as attending a talk on ‘ The Poetry of T. S. Eliot ’ , and there was a sketch of a man studiously reading a book with this title .
24 Nurse prescribing will save the waste of time that he has described when district nurses have to go backwards and forwards to doctors , and will allow them to give their time to more beneficial activities , rather than wasting petrol on such journeys .
25 In a study by Hall secondary heads were , however , said to devote only 14 per cent of their time to teaching , with 10 per cent given over to " ceremonial " , 10 per cent to educational policy and curriculum matters , 33 per cent to " operations and administrative management " , 22 per cent to human management ( staff and pupils ) and 10 per cent to external management ( Hall quoted in Laws and Dennison ( 1990:276 ) ) .
26 The instrument of resurrection was to be the turnpike. this custom prevailing , 't is more than probable , that our posterity may see the roads all over England restored in their time to such a perfection , that travelling and carriage of goods will be much more easy both to man and horse than ever it was since the Romans lost this island .
27 Now , however , celebrities tend to give their time to causes rather than direct events — though the occasional deserving disasters , such as last year 's Jamaican hurricane , squeeze through .
28 As Liz Hannam reports , the RSPCA devote up to a third of their time to dealing with farmers and their animals , in the society 's ceaseless crusade against cruelty .
29 Primary schools devote much of their time to discussion .
30 But in a sense , they will stand a better chance of staying open and being appreciated and supported by the public , if in fact they 're going to devote a modicum of their time to explaining to the popular , population as a whole , what they 're doing , why it 's important and why they should carry on doing it .
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