Example sentences of "[pron] do [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Now , when I do something , I have to think what Bill Whyte would want to know about it and how can I explain it .
2 ‘ As long as I do something outside the parish , ’ Anna said , ‘ does it matter what I do ? ’
3 It follows that I am not using language properly if I say that you ought to do something , unless I hold by some universal principle from which this prescription follows and all other implications of which I would be prepared to endorse , most notably those which would prescribe under certain circumstances that I do something .
4 I do my bedroom out every day — sweep it and dust the furniture and I do something else every day , like I dust the tops of the cupboards or I give the wardrobe a polish .
5 When I get out there , I 'm going to make sure I do something worthwhile — you know , like a robbery or something . ’
6 If I do something stupid , like if I do a chequebook and card , I go to prison .
7 Every night I do something I have n't done for years .
8 Wreaking further havoc among the dirty socks , discarded takeaway containers , unwashed dishes and unanswered correspondence is-as we have already determined-impossible , so I do something even more earth-shattering : I clean up .
9 ‘ You 'll kill me unless I do something .
10 ‘ It is suitable that I do something involving a black rhino to raise the money . ’
11 ‘ I just hope one of these days I do something else that proves to be as phenomenally successful . ’
12 so I have Sally , and , and er , her mum always cooks a meal in the evening so I , I do something like toasted cheese sandwiches or beans on toast or something like that at lunch time , but there was one time when she wanted peanut butter and , all her brother used to ask , I , her brother does n't come to me now , he stays at home cos he 's going on fifteen , and as he 's next door but one anyway , you know if , if anything goes wrong he can come along to me , but all he wanted was my homemade blackcurrant jam , and now he does n't come any more I 've got to actually give him
13 So let's have a look at erm the previous one no we 'll look at , we 'll look at Kelly 's here and if I do something like save so we put here total is one pound fifty .
14 I do nothing but think of my duty ! ’ he snarled savagely .
15 At least if I do nothing , then I 've done nothing wrong .
16 I am visited by dense and dreamless sleep before the horrific wakefulness ; hours in which I do nothing but watch .
17 I do nothing except work here , go to lectures and study . ’
18 Nevertheless , it is noteworthy from the annotation of their books that they use translations wherever possible ( as indeed I do myself , life being as short as it is ) .
19 I 'm not sure I do myself .
20 I do myself .
21 I mean , I do myself .
22 Although , that being said , I do myself possess one of Paykhull 's medals . ’
23 I do myself .
24 T frankly , yes it did , but I mean you were reading it pretty well correctly the way they read I mean most of us read things I know I do myself , one reads things quicker than perhaps some would if we were reading them on a radio or something .
25 Then I do summat I ai n't never done before .
26 The plain , large woman in a flowered overall said quietly , ‘ I do me best .
27 I do me own repairs — make me own spares when I need ‘ em . ’
28 Well I do me and Jonathan erm they do n't like me er read all his books .
29 " And when she says she wants a baby in the house , I do her the credit of believing her . "
30 oh I do its like the mountains
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