Example sentences of "[pron] could it " in BNC.

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1 Was there anything at all that I could it with ?
2 I suppose I could it Spring and to Taunton rather than Spring and Autumn
3 and I remember one particular February , it will always stand out in my mind because er , it 's a fairly long walk done to the factory from , from here and every day after the midday meal , when I set out to walk down there as quick as I could it had been cloudy since , it was raining , every day without fail I used to get to work soaked , first
4 I find this difficult to believe , but as she is a religious and patently honest lady I wonder can you tell me could it be really true ?
5 Stuart was very happy he 's gon na get a bottle of whisky it could n't of been a bottle of bacardi for me could it !
6 Mm , she could it rent
7 Who could it be ?
8 Who could it be ?
9 Once the method was out , as today it is , who could it be but Tutilo ? ’
10 Who could it be at this hour ?
11 Who could it be calling on him at this time of night ?
12 ‘ But who could it be ?
13 Who could it be ?
14 Who could it be , and why ?
15 Echoing Kant , he insisted that any properly objective enquiry could not impose on its material methods worked out in advance or in relation to some other topic ; only within the context of encounter with and experience of the object itself could it discover how to speak of it and enquire into it .
16 er say er yeah within say er two days or worse still , you could it the same day actually , because they used to have those erm er Have you seen them , those an oval tin with two ends , er it was split in the middle .
17 Could n't have been closer , mind you could it ?
18 If you would represent him we could it section six two .
19 It is doubtful if one should talk of a church-state conflict here , but even if one could it was a battle fought between royal clerks , king 's servants .
20 Whoever could it be at this time of night ?
21 Well if it 's if it was very hot could it could it melt the plastic ?
22 So it was kind of an issue that was felt not to be happening in , but there was fear that it could it could be introduce you know , as I say , from outside .
23 So it could It might just be that that 's causing the problem .
24 It ca n't be done , and if it could it would n't be any use ; If you play innocent and unnoticing too well , you wont attract suspicion , but you wo n't notice anything other .
25 Again , think about it could it be useful do n't know , might be in the long term .
26 And there 's always the danger of it could it be changed , and then you 've got the whole curriculum area to look after .
27 I says , yeah , and I could n't find it could it ?
28 far I drive away from them it could it could be twe
29 So it could It might just be that that 's causing the problem .
30 I mean if we do n't have compatible systems , then it 's not going to make a lot of it will make a difference , but not going to make as much difference , but I think if we do it could it really could be revolutionary .
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