Example sentences of "[pron] who will " in BNC.

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1 The political sensitivity of prosecutions in this area is reflected in the fact that no prosecutions can be brought under this Part of the Act ( in England and Wales ) without the consent of the Attorney-General , I who will no doubt bear in mind that proceedings should not be brought when this is likely to penalise or inhibit legitimate controversy .
2 For Latin America it 's very difficult , as you need someone who wo n't bring up any of the bad guys the US has supported and still does support there when the topic is those dreaded Sandinistas again .
3 ‘ I know what you need , Clare : someone you know and trust , someone who wo n't make you feel anxious .
4 And someone who wo n't overspend his budget .
5 Lay off , and save your preachings for someone who 'll appreciate them . ’
6 Someone who 'll give a bit extra .
7 ‘ And , big-mouthed people need someone who 'll answer back to them . ’
8 It 's no joke , because they occupy a dingy cell in war torn Beirut in Someone Who 'll Watch Over Me at London 's Vaudeville theatre .
9 AMNESTY members will receive £5.00 off top price tickets for any Monday-to-Thursday performance of Someone Who 'll Watch Over Me , a play about three Beirut hostages by Frank McGuinness .
10 ‘ A good teacher is someone who 'll take a good joke but will make us work to get the work done .
11 A friend is someone who 'll be there for you .
12 Someone who 'll argue the hind leg off a donkey just for the sake of it .
13 There 's someone who 'll make sure of that !
14 ‘ Well , I mean , you can always find someone who 'll do it for money . ’
15 ‘ Miss Oliver will forget me in a month , and will probably marry someone who 'll make her far happier than I ever could ! ’
16 ‘ I know less than nothing about you , and if you 're important , which you must be if you 're a , well , a tycoon , then I expect you entertain a lot — friends , business associates — which means that you 'll need someone who 'll be a credit to you — and I do n't know if I can !
17 Please for god 's sake stop playing Fairclough at the back — the defence is a shambles when he 's there — quite honestly I 'm getting pretty pissed off with Wilko — i know we 've had a long unbeaten run and we 're still second and he 's won us the championship etc etc and this is defenitely over reaction to last night but get rid of the fucking bastard and find us someone who 'll pick teams that can beat the Norwich 's and Man Utd7s of the league or we 'll be perenial mid table finishers .
18 How do you know that you have n't landed yourself with someone who 'll be struck dumb with nerves ? ’
19 He also sold up and left because the only alternative in these miserable circumstances is to spend the rest of your life living next door to someone who will never speak to you again .
20 But , in policing the world , the big powers , above all America , ought to want someone who will stand firm in tough times : a partner , not a patsy .
21 Someone who will carry out Detroit instructions .
22 And that today Jean still resorts to cutting herself , reflects her basic lack of self-esteem , as well as her need to try to ‘ reach ’ someone who will be able to give her the help she so desperately needs .
23 For many , having the facilities of a Citizens ' Advice Bureau in the village means there is someone who will listen to their problems and offer confidential and expert advice .
24 Through reflecting on and articulating aspects of my Christian life and discipleship — my hopes and fears , my successes and failures — with someone who will help me look for the Spirit 's direction , my private world becomes shared , I can make more sense of my pilgrimage and continue in it supported .
25 ‘ We all need someone who will carry us through our nights and days , our winters and summers , and our times of darkness and clarity .
26 She may also invite someone who will be important when it comes to selling it in Cabinet — someone like Willie Whitelaw . ’
27 If the main stumbling block is how you present yourself try to find someone who will practise mock interviews with you , concentrating on any problem areas the checklist has helped to reveal .
28 She had not been able to hold down a job because of her phobia — no one is really willing to employ someone who will only come into the office on fine days , particularly in England !
29 See yourself as someone who will be going to China .
30 ‘ Employers look for someone who will slot into the office culture , ’ says Shirley Coates , managing director of Bridford Career Management .
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