Example sentences of "[pron] so [coord] " in BNC.

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1 But I am mindful in the midst of my own troubles ma'am that you are not in good health for Miss Blagden has told me so and I am sorry to hear it and to think of you unable to leave your room and I am sorry too that the Rome winter does not prove as gentle as you had hoped .
2 No , nothing at all about the lock and two years after closed and it was because of this because the men on the phone told me so and er anyway brought about the bridge and er I er accepted it , you know what I mean , it was that was it , I 'd done it myself .
3 It was the way he was erm as well out of his way to impress them so but they just , well you might help
4 Why do n't you ask them so and so ? ’
5 And it I mean it it does n't help saying I told you so but I did
6 It 's very unlikely that your body will be short of salt , but if it is , it will tell you so and you 'll crave salty foods .
7 I said you only come round to see me cos , you know , cos I al I always wanted to come round and see you so and she wo n't .
8 BELVILLE : I found her to be a coquette , an told her so and she is offended .
9 J said : " The cases are quite clear that you can not make a valuer an arbitrator by calling him so or vice versa " .
10 In other words ‘ if he thought he was nt part of the future plans Id have told him so and he would have asked for a transfer … has he ? ?
11 The only thing she could do was tell him so and leave for home as soon as possible .
12 and say to him so and so and so and so he 'd always answer back and say I want to do it this way
13 Because you get that silence in the room and mmm you want to fill it so but you 're right the use of the pause effective and particularly with a variation in pitch that gives that emphasis the two combined together can be very very effective .
14 It was noisy and crowded but it was nice to have it so and Alan need n't have worried that she 'd dislike that .
15 Now this psychology , there 's absolutely loads of stuff on it so and the Maitlin book 's got quite a good coverage of it , so I 'll go over it quite quickly , alright ?
16 and er where 's me Ghandi and all this and then somebody from the other side of the pool was saying it so and so , so and so , then he said couple of old
17 That 'll be alright so cos he slid his my brief case and er I got all the way home , no problem at all , I 'd got newspaper under the back , so it did n't scratch the back when I come to come down Mill Road this lorry 's go , I mean I got the tail gate up and er I sort of looked in the mirror , I thought oh my goodness my tail gate , I could hear it so and I braked a bit sharp and that slid down and scratched along the dash board !
18 Sometimes , if the child writes in there first I say , I concur with what so and so has said , Well done or something like that .
19 This leads to a process of amplification or snowballing : individuals who are caught and labelled as criminal see themselves so and act accordingly , thus the label becomes more widely applied and firmly fixed , and the criminal becomes more attached to that label .
20 You do n't we were u we had to use the immersion did n't we cos w we moved in in the June and Lofty and Brian said well do n't have it done cos you 're not gon na use until August so we they did it August time for us so but we did n't use Servowarm cos it had blown up , they just disconnected it for us , so we used the ho the immersion heater
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