Example sentences of "[pron] have given " in BNC.

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1 I have given a great deal of thought as to how much I should actually tell you about this period and what just to leave to your imagination .
2 During this period I have given readings and seminar papers at various academic centres , including the universities of Oxford , Durham , Edinburgh , Essex , Manchester , Lancaster , Newcastle , Sussex , and East Anglia , and have written a number of unpublished papers which I have given in seminars at other similar establishments .
3 During this period I have given readings and seminar papers at various academic centres , including the universities of Oxford , Durham , Edinburgh , Essex , Manchester , Lancaster , Newcastle , Sussex , and East Anglia , and have written a number of unpublished papers which I have given in seminars at other similar establishments .
4 The example I have given is by no means the only one that exists .
5 What I have described so far relates in general to the lives of women in the peasant communities in many parts of the Indian sub-continent , but the details I have given mainly concern women in East and West Punjab .
6 ‘ Instead , I have given the Law Society the power to grant rights of audience in the higher courts , but subject to regulations relating to competence and conduct , which will require the approval of senior judges as well as myself . ’
7 We only start to talk about sacrifice with our children when something seriously wrong has happened in the relationship , when the mother or father says bitterly : ‘ Do n't you understand what I have given up for you ?
8 God speaks to Moses again and to Aaron : ‘ Because you did not believe in me , to sanctify me in the eyes of the people of Israel , therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them . ’
9 Before ever the action begins he knows and tells Joshua what the outcome will be : ‘ See , I have given into your hand Jericho , with its king and mighty men of valour . ’
10 The blood always belonged to God , for ‘ I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls … whosoever eateth any manner of blood , I will set my face against that soul … and will cut him off from among his people ’ ( Lev .
11 I have asked no one else , I have given you the first opportunity of owning these things . ’
12 I have given back to the Reich the provinces stolen from us in 1919 .
13 I have given up begging to be taken back into service since it is plain Annunciata is preferred .
14 The account I have given of the Zuwaya image of statelessness is a composite , created from local materials , arranged in a pattern which is partly determined by academic culture and expectations , partly by the need to translate Zuwaya understanding for non-Libyans .
15 I have given my consent to his being in my study , but on this occasion the initiative was mine .
16 Then at last he said : ‘ Gentlemen — and ladies , pardon me — I have given much thought to these matters and I wish to say here in confidence to you , that while there remains between myself and many of those present differences of interpretation as to what is really occurring in Europe at this moment , despite this , as to the main points that have been raised in this house , I am convinced , gentlemen , convinced both of their justice and their practicality . ’
17 Moreover I have given order that they who collect my dues take from you no more than the tenth , because so it is appointed by the custom of the Moors , and it is what ye have been wont to pay .
18 This can be done , and I have given you one example , and that is feeding whole crops and by-products to ruminants such as cattle .
19 ‘ Look here , ’ I said , ‘ I have given you my name , rank and number and that 's all you 're going to get .
20 I have given two examples of the use of planned ignoring ; but it should be borne in mind that ignoring is not an all-purpose disciplinary approach .
21 Why , in the past week alone I have given my views on nuclear disarmament , the Middle East , world hunger , racism in the dairy industry , the proper depth to set okra seedlings and the supremacy of angst in the first two volumes of Winnie the Pooh .
22 In a typically grandiose gesture , CEGB chairman Sir Walter Marshall said on television that if the inquiry rejected the board 's case on safety grounds , he would resign ‘ because it meant that the technical advice I have given to government in past years has been proved to be incorrect ’ .
23 I have given the above observations explicitly because they are the necessary foundations for later investigation and many people have trouble observing them , even though others find them obvious .
24 I have given a list of strictly forbidden foods within this chapter to enable you to make a definite resolution , before you begin the diet , to ban them totally from your life !
25 Indeed , I have given some of the same warnings myself and , like them , have advised paying off debts and accumulating cash .
26 Satyāgraha also effects a transformation in social structures as the examples I have given of its application in South Africa and India clearly show .
27 I have given a suggested r/hand fingering in the music notation , but you should obviously feel free to amend things to suit your own preferences .
28 The measurements I have given are only a rough guide , so feel free to experiment until you find a setting that suits your sound and playing style .
29 As with last month 's design , I have given you the basic ‘ building block ’ and suggestions , in the illustrations , on how it can be used .
30 Wordsworth concludes The Prelude with tributes to his sister Dorothy , and to S. T. Coleridge , both of whom , in their different ways , helped him to resolve the personal crisis into which the events of the 1790s had led him , and I have given a short biography of each .
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