Example sentences of "[pron] she also " in BNC.

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1 Her taste for light food has increased with age and so she cooks a lot with vegetables ( which she also likes for their strong colours ) , although supplies of fresh produce are sometimes limited in North Wales .
2 And as she stepped forward into the room , he stepped backwards into the yard and , raising his hat he again said , ‘ Well , good afternoon , ’ to which she also replied , ‘ Good afternoon . ’
3 A rich combination of women 's cultural activities , featuring performance poetry , dance from Lucia Walker and company , some of the life-size figures from the photographic exhibition ‘ Just the Job ’ and Bea Freeman , who will present her film about ‘ Just the Job ’ in which she also appears and which presents positive role models of Black women and women from other racially minorities , and the work they do .
4 The soft drinks which she also made were good sellers during the summer months , costing only 2½d and even then , 1d was allowed upon return of the bottle .
5 Her only other published work was The Metrical Miscellany ( 1802 , 2nd edn. 1803 ) , an anthology of fugitive verse by contemporary celebrities , in which she also published twenty of her own poems ( including the hitherto uncounted prefatory verses of 1802 by ‘ The Editor ’ ) .
6 ‘ Anybody can do anything , ’ Josie said , which she knew was only so much bullshit but which she also believed was a reasonable dictum for getting a person through life .
7 Rosemary McDowell as Mrs Elizabeth , the doctor 's sister , was a performance which she also praised .
8 In each charge there was an alternative alleging that she cruelly and unnaturally treated the two women in her care , to which she also pleaded not guilty .
9 In Austen 's vision , there is a reward for integrity : Elizabeth ends up with the life that society would wish for her and yet which she also wants for herself .
10 She was a close friend of H. G. Wells [ q.v. ] , with whom she also had a brief affair , and who , amongst others , encouraged her to write .
11 When the series of sessions with the advisory teacher came to an end , Betty said that she thought that the work had gone well and that the children had enjoyed it , although she had noticed that the response of the ‘ difficult ’ children , whom she also described as ‘ poorly motivated ’ , was much the same as usual .
12 This friend of ours who lost his wife last year , well we 've got another friend who was very fond of her she also smokes we just happened to me we did n't say
13 But what she also inadvertently tells us is how much emphasis her parents ( and all parents ) tend to put on little girls looking good — providing dancing lessons , special party dresses , and constant compliments for being pretty .
14 What each speaker says is half the picture , but now we have the missing part : what she also says through how she chooses to look , to make the picture complete .
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