Example sentences of "[pron] 's done " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Unless someone 's done it already ? ’
2 ‘ Tell yer dad we all appreciate what 'e 's done .
3 ‘ The great thing about writing sport for Punch is that people ca n't say it 's not as funny as it used to be , because nobody 's done it before , ’ he said .
4 Nobody 's done this before .
5 God , she 's done this once too often .
6 She says it 's ages since she 's done any exercise , and it 's good for her .
7 When she 's done , she hands me the mirror and I have a look .
8 ‘ You 'll make Jinny feel bad , and she 's done no harm . ’
9 She 's done all sorts , has Bella .
10 She 's done it again .
11 Well , she 's done it in Gods go a'begging , using the same Watteau that we liked so much with the columns and the landscape in the background .
12 It seems the Stasis are a well-known and influential family in this city , so she 's done all right for herself .
13 And I know what she 's done to me an' all . ’
14 Well I think she 's done something really awful to Mildred . ’
15 ‘ Never yow mind what she 's done .
16 She insists on tacking up a bit of tinsel and so on and I see she 's done the same for you .
17 Just a day after Kevin , 33 , visited his JobCentre , she joked : ‘ People will make sarcastic comments like ‘ She 's done it for the £7 child benefit ’ .
18 She 's done a bunk , Mr Trilby said to himself and he went away to inform the School Governors that the Headmistress had apparently vanished .
19 She 's done wonders wiv that cafe .
20 She tells me of bike rides and scary trips through quarry tunnels and the climbs she 's done or wants to do .
21 ‘ Oh no , I do n't think so , more likely she 'll go after one of those completely obscure German princes ’ ) , The Princess of Wales ( ‘ such heaven at KP , really she 's done it brilliantly ’ ) .
22 She 's our own flesh and blood whatever she 's done . ’
23 She 's done him proud , ’ said Mrs Flaherty , ‘ I 'll say that for her . ’
24 She 's done it for years . )
25 Once she 's done a course in massage and has her certificate she can work here .
26 Mind you , she 's done this sort of thing before .
27 She 's done it ! ’ she said .
28 She 's done nothing .
29 ‘ Seems she 's done right well for herself , ’ Mrs Appleby commented .
30 So I suppose it 's what she wanted and she 's done the right thing .
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