Example sentences of "[pron] were to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If I were to be wrapped up warmly , and … ’
2 ‘ Clive , what about if I were to … ’
3 George and I were to be victims , I was to be taken to the top floor and George to the third floor up .
4 If I WERE to a take a bath I would not turn both taps fully on since this is bound to result in a freezing cold bath .
5 The nut appears to be plastic and , if I were to be really picky , has been cut a hair on the high side .
6 If I were to be critical it would be to say that the scratchplates could be finished off more tidily , and occasionally the necks and bodies do n't look entirely new — although that 's hardly surprising , really .
7 He said : ‘ If I were to single out any one project as a model of its kind , it is the car park in Chichester . ’
8 ‘ Well , you see — I thought I explained this to you — if I were to eidetik now I would go into a kind of a trance .
9 Henniker and I were to be taken up to Mr. Ingard 's room , Spalding and Miss Robinson were to go to the offices allotted to us on the second floor .
10 If I were to be denied my belief in the almost limitless potential of my students , I 'd give up .
11 especially if I were to actually get , if I get that I 'd consider going if I could get a place in the halls , the residence
12 But it or if I were to be thinking I 'd say , Is n't he .
13 If someone were to be left alone in one of these structures , not only would the physical senses be deprived , but the individual would be in a psychic atmosphere well suited to the encouragement of inspirational and prophetic experiences .
14 If someone were to work part time for a corner shop keeper who had no other employees there would be no way of collecting tax at that employment .
15 It is vital that the system is regularly maintained to ensure safe operation — and it would be a disaster if someone were to ‘ bodge ’ a repair if , for example , one of the two relief valves had discharged water .
16 Beyond the V-bombers , which were to be high-altitude , subsonic aircraft with a range of 1,500 nautical miles , the Air Staff envisaged a supersonic successor with greater range and navigational accuracy .
17 On a broader canvas , many of us can think of moments of encounter , of blessing , of poetry , of art , of music , of sunsets and dawns which were to us deeply sacramental .
18 Her head did not nearly reach his shoulder , and even from where I stood I could sense the gentleness , the protectiveness , which were to be her portion .
19 Pitching their eighty-nine lodges on the river 's eastern bank , the people grazed their ponies in the westerly hills and cut new lodge poles which were to be dragged to the Crow country when seasoned .
20 In return Mafart and Prieur had their sentences commuted to three years which were to be served in exile at the French military base on the Pacific island of Hao .
21 Stocky and friendly , he had two small flaws in his character which were to be his undoing .
22 In an interview with William Hardcastle on BBC Radio 4 's ‘ The World This Weekend ’ , the text of which was published in the Irish News on 7 October , Craig introduced two themes which were to be repeated over and over during the next few days .
23 A number of demands which were to be raised by the civil rights movement were taken up by the manifesto .
24 The minister had , in fact , outlined a programme of some 1,823 new houses , including corporation , NIHT and private developments , but 1,300 of these were to replace houses which were to be demolished in redevelopment , so that the plans did not envisage wiping out the existing demand for houses .
25 It was originally decreed that great economies had to be exercised in the provision of stations , which were to be mainly of wood .
26 A resolution of 22 March 1792 provided for the erection of temporary stabling for 50 horses , to which were to be added later a lecture theatre and a dissecting room .
27 When I spoke with Mike Spring , creator and master planner of this new and important Hyperion series about a year ago , he was full of enthusiasm about the music and artists which were to be recruited to perform it .
28 It was 1968 and the Crystal Palace track had been converted to Tartan in readiness for the Mexico City Olympic Games which were to be held on synthetic surfacing for the first time .
29 One frequent request was for containers in which to put belongings which were to be stored at Bloomsbury House : ‘ Alice needs 2 wooden boxes and 1 cardboard container in which to put all her belongings … ’
30 He accordingly devoted his subsequent research efforts to discovering these plant remedies , which were to be related particularly to temperament , mood and states of mind .
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