Example sentences of "[pron] were [adv] " in BNC.

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1 After five minutes or so both Rick and I were properly awake and using his scoop technique ( which incidentally had n't been quite perfected ) my first catfish was on the bank .
2 I suppose we thought Vic must have said try it this way because Matt and I were already into our quarrel and it shows what a pro he was to his fingertips that he carried on as per normal .
3 Sebastian and I were later to be condemned from altars about divorce .
4 Sebastian and I were later to be condemned from altars about divorce . ’
5 I may venture to add Jerry and I were probably the first Scottish kids to hear this coming over the air .
6 If I were reasonably satisfied that , other things being equal , substantially fewer persons would be murdered if the death penalty were available than if it were not , I should have opposed its abolition and would support its restoration .
7 Will and I were mostly at home in Stratford in the summers .
8 Both Mike and I were away at the time .
9 Course I were away then working , I were putting the bi the big plant in in Burnley .
10 If I were completely , it would n't matter . "
11 If I were completely sober I might just manage to get you back to Brides Haven , but I doubt it .
12 The first week-end , and I were frantically busy preparing for our first meetings with the students , and also unpacking and setting out all the books , tapes , etc. which we had got via the Embassy and the British Council .
13 ‘ If I were not , I would be considerably put out at having been compelled to tidy my desk ! ’ he said .
14 The years 1945–5 I were not a period for new ideas , but for remedial action .
15 But of course , five years difference meant that he and I were not relating as equals until I was about sixteen , and then the war separated us .
16 It seemed that Ellen and I were not the only ones to take such a precaution , for late that night Jackson Chatterton lumbered on deck with a bottle in one huge hand .
17 She wrote : I thought it would be less embarrassing for the children if I were not here .
18 She did n't mean — I think — that Richard and I were not kind to her , only that she did not ‘ come first ’ with either of us , and she was a woman who needed to be made much of and fussed over .
19 Once , my partner and I were not allowed to play on a vacant court , just because my friend had a brown sweatshirt on , and there was a veterans doubles match on the next court — we might put them off by playing on the vacant court !
20 1 openly support the FDR-FMLN and feel that it would be an opportunistic attitude on my part to expect to act as a spiritual leader of my people after the triumph of the revolution if I were not working with them at this crucial time .
21 Montaine and I were not similar in any obvious way , but Jean-Claude may well have detected in me something of the quality he relied on in his sister .
22 I felt I must keep a very firm hold on myself if I were not to lose control altogether .
23 Almost as if I were not there …
24 Wu and I were not us — not in any way .
25 ‘ If I were not able to give you pleasure , ma petite , and thus give myself great happiness , then the fault would be mine , ’ Félix said , smiling once more .
26 " If I were not willing to aid our dear uncle , it would be a strange day indeed ! "
27 ‘ I should explain that Matt and I were not lovers in the accepted sense ; we were friends — good friends , we 'd known each other from childhood so we had a lot in common .
28 So we had to obey all her orders , and Joseph and I were not allowed to scold her any more .
29 If I were not so big my mother would place me across her knee and spank me .
30 as if I were not one person as I had always thought , but divide very simply and cleanly into two — the erotic and the maternal .
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