Example sentences of "[pron] he [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Someone he both respected and feared .
2 The debt problem was solved by someone he hardly knew paying his debt and Seawright was elected to the Assembly where he turned out to be a thorn in the DUP 's flesh .
3 Jack stared up in the half light into the eyes of someone he dimly recognized .
4 Well that 's what I said to him , why not yours he only just cut it , that couple of grandsons they 've all done it all up
5 If he cut it above himself he presumably fell , and in that case his life was evidently saved by something approaching a miracle — at any rate , we know that he was saved because otherwise he would be beyond the jurisdiction and the question would have no legal interest .
6 He did n't tell himself that since he was no longer on spelling terms with himself he just obeyed an order and rummaged through the man 's pockets as if he were checking a suit going to the cleaners ' .
7 So intently watching himself he no longer saw Richard and he pushed a finger smeared with cold gel gently into the hole , then the cock pressed against the opening and pushed .
8 But about himself he practically told me what he had for breakfast .
9 Seb told himself he really did intend calling at the cottage to see Anna , but it was easy to make excuses to put off such a visit .
10 He wore the suit rarely and in one of the few points of discipline which he managed to impose on himself he always made sure that the suit , or the trousers at least , were pressed immediately after use .
11 In February 1952 an attempt was made to burn down an Evangelical church in Seville , and Cardinal Segura published a virulently anti-Protestant pastoral letter , in which he effectively accused Franco of betraying the sacred identity of Spain as a Catholic nation .
12 He began speaking as soon as he entered the lecture-room , which he generally did five minutes after me hour .
13 Ken was as unclear about what he wanted to do as to how he was going to fulfil sexual urges which he inwardly knew would never be satisfied .
14 However , Gorbachev on Nov. 17 salvaged his prestige with a short address in which he unexpectedly produced proposals for constitutional reforms to strengthen the central leadership and raise the level of the republics ' involvement in it .
15 Well I think we 'll have to re-look at the whole question of village envelopes in certain cases , where it is decided that low cost housing is desirable , and see if in some way , they can encourage the farmer to make land available so that he can make some money which he badly needs at the moment , as agriculture 's going through one of the biggest depressions it 's been through for years .
16 Rudimentary Mafiosi , such as Franco Ambrosio , who was shortly to be a founding member of Jackie Oliver 's and Alan Rees 's Arrows team , an egregious former self-styled gun-runner and mercenary later gaoled for escaping up Holland Park Avenue throwing bags of cocaine out the windows of his car , floated around on the edge of those early South American season-openers , the former offering fantastic deals ( on which he rarely delivered ) and the latter procuring the kind of girls that racing drivers can relax with .
17 The Palace Hotel was run by a trio of brothers : a burly one-eyed masseur , a half-witted fellow with a pointed head , and a hugely obese young man who joked from his chair in the lobby , from which he rarely stirred , that he was expecting twins .
18 The last time I spoke to him , over tea , Pyke discussed the best techniques for committing suicide — to which he eventually resorted .
19 When , after five or six miles [ 8–10 km ] , his men reached another defile , between Loch Lochy and a steeply sloping mountain to the east , they found the Highlanders had arrived before them , and after a brisk action , in which he eventually found himself hemmed in on three sides , Scott , himself wounded , and with two men dead , accepted terms of surrender .
20 The former world champion had saved four match points in rallying from 2–5 in the fourth set , which he eventually won on a tie-break , before winning the fifth set 6–0 but he had little to offer in the doubles , when he and Eric Jelen were beaten in straight sets .
21 This might throw light on his uncomplimentary nickname too , and on how , as the charter S 933 of 1014 reveals , " the attacks and plunderings of the evil Danes " gave him possession of a Dorset estate of the church of Sherborne , which he eventually sold for a great price in gold and silver to a friend of the monks , who returned it to them .
22 John Hayward remembers well the breakthrough on the case which he eventually took over .
23 We still refer to certain compounds as being ‘ hermetically sealed ’ , in reference to the touch of his magic caduceus which he latterly bestowed upon AESCULAPIUS , the god of healing .
24 He had bought Burleigh ( which he invariably called The Burleigh School , in capitals ) precisely so that his manner might be given free rein and ample pasturage .
25 He is seen as a philosopher who passed through logical positivism ( which he largely created with his early work Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus ) to a position more sympathetic towards religious language as outlined in his later Philosophical Investigations .
26 erm in a very interested book called Darwin on Man recently by a psychologist called Gruber , Gruber has argued that Darwin had a conviction which could be expressed by saying that things which are natural are necessarily gradual , and things which are sudden are miraculous and not natural , that he had this equation in his mind erm long before he erm became and evolutionist , long before he abandoned his belief in religion which he largely did later , and Gruber traces it back , interestingly enough , to the arguments of a theologian , Sumner , who later became an Archbishop , who Darwin took notes on his ideas when he was a student at Cambridge erm which are still extent , and what Sumner had argued , among other things , was that a good argument for believing in the divinity of Christ , that Christ was divine rather than simply being a gifted teacher , was the suddenness with which the beliefs of the ancient world were transformed by Christ 's teaching .
27 Lord Lane paid tribute to his ‘ team ’ of judges and revealed that over the past four years he had reviewed almost 1,500 life sentences — a task he had been unable to delegate and which he willingly relinquished to his successor , Lord Justice Taylor .
28 In fact , as I recall , I was up on the step-ladder dusting the portrait of Viscount Wetherby when my employer had entered carrying a few volumes which he presumably wished returned to the shelves .
29 The fifth case belonged to a different category : a gentleman named Thomas Arundell was given leave to demise a tenement and three yardlands which he presumably treated as an investment .
30 However , after attention lapses he can retain his insights into another person , and use them in choices of means , without abandoning his long-term egoistic ends for the altruistic goals to which he briefly felt himself drawn ; he can therefore claim to have obeyed ‘ Be aware ’ without ceasing to be an egoist .
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