Example sentences of "[pron] it was " in BNC.

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1 I it was an old man 's car .
2 And she was going through and she knew them and er she was going into I it was her second year bio-chemistry exams on the bus and she 's got a bi a text book on bio-chemistry and she 's reading the introduction bit before you even get into proper bio-chemistry and Michael s look leant across and said , what on earth are you doing ?
3 I was a er I was on the it was er , before eight before I it was only two minutes to eight when I was er down the road at the
4 I it was horrible it , it ever since .
5 Oh I it was lovely .
6 Cos I saw erm a photo when I was eighteen and I it was sort of short in the neck over my ears short in there and then sort of fuller there and then just a bit of you know a light fringe not a heavy fringe and I thought I might have it like that so
7 But I it was only butter and the jam today that er , thi this came into my head .
8 All I was told is that you 're getting twelve months guarantee , but you 've got to have a three thousand mile service , and as the gentleman said erm I recorded the deliveries and sent them all back and on the third one , when I took it in I asked if they 'd put a new set of points in for me and erm unfortunately when it came out there was no compression at all and because because I it was suggested that I dug my heels in a bit and got an independent report and erm basically they told me to get lost because it cost fifty pound to do the report .
9 But it was my it was my customers ' requirements .
10 Cos did n't I say to you it 's a hundred and nineteen quid and when I bought yours it was a hundred pound .
11 I bet ya it was one of them that put that out of order .
12 In any other house this would 've been normal , but in theirs it was eerie , unnatural .
13 He told himself it was all good copy for his next novel .
14 It might be okay for Nutty and even for a weed like Hoomey with his crass infatuation for the hulking ex-chaser , but for a cool customer like himself it was out of character .
15 And Billy had listened to the TV pundits and read the papers , and said to himself it was sure to happen in the end .
16 If the judge had thought that he could not deal with the matter himself it was also of course open to him to report the barrister to the General Council of the Bar .
17 When Daniel saw his wife coming towards the cubicle to offer comfort where he could n't he flailed his arms and drove her away , leaving Mrs Marriott to cry on , not even telling himself it was good for her to cry , since how could he know , how could he imagine ?
18 The Marine tried to tell himself it was something simple like a mole , but then paused to wonder if they had moles in Haiti .
19 Lewis takes the free kick himself it was n't a good one dropped in short and was headed away by Gemmell to Black who releases it first time trying to set Collimore free .
20 Love , if he deluded himself it was love , could n't exist on air .
21 A different sort of response to art is to use it as a means of learning more about the society in which it was produced ; this may be felt by a theoretician to be more important than to know the artist 's intentions , which , it can be argued , are determined by society .
22 Fraser observes that ‘ analysis is more limiting because it recreates the past only in the forms in which it was internalised or repressed. ,
23 It looks like an enlargement of the postcard which , in an age of mechanical reproduction , it was to become , commemorating the tourist attraction which it was also to become .
24 As has already been seen , it was the style of both church and politicians to avoid their mutual consultations being known , which tells us that the secularity of the state at that time was partially a façade , but one which it was felt by both interested parties had to be maintained , probably so as not to confuse the faithful .
25 Even if Dáil members had thought otherwise , it must by now be clear that the ethos of the Irish Republic was still one in which it was impolitic to be in conflict with the church .
26 The case highlights the extent to which it was possible for the religious intellectuals to misjudge exactly where the consensus lay , as well as the extent to which an evolving historical situation which created areas for new decision-making provided the field for a new power contest .
27 As Neil Richardson noted in 1980 , ‘ An old town pub is not just an attractive Victorian or Georgian facade , it is a building which is still being used for the purpose for which it was built .
28 This enabled him to bring together the Judaism of his upbringing and the Roman Catholicism and Anglo-Saxon Protestantism in which it was set in Montreal ; the former dominating of course .
29 The concentration on the subjective nature of experience made clear the logical privacy , and hence non-physicality , of sense experience in a way in which it was never made clear within the classical and scholastic traditions .
30 Europe appeared to accept her difference and individuality , whereas England demanded that she should somehow conform , assimilate , and yet at the same time , there was no way in which it was possible to really ‘ assimilate ’ .
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