Example sentences of "[pron] that we " in BNC.

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1 Many of us find it difficult to have faith and trust and feel love for someone that we can not see and often feel that we can not hear or get close to .
2 Band member Shawn Stockman adds : ‘ We miss the opposite sex and we all think it would be nice to have someone around , someone that we could love and who would love us .
3 And they said , well I 'm sorry you know , er take the numbers of the cars , they want me to go round and take the numbers of the cars , phone them back and we will see if we 've got someone that we can send down there !
4 We 're articulate enough to fool ourselves that we 're nice people , but there 's a strong undercurrent to our thinking that encourages us to view people with a disability as lesser , and until we come to terms with that , we will never have a proper support system .
5 One of the most difficult things for modern parents is to remind ourselves that we must maintain a life of our own .
6 This wholeness comes about when we realize for ourselves that we need Jesus as our rescuer and companion , redeemer and friend for life 's journey .
7 It is perhaps once again necessary to remind ourselves that we are not merely concerned with the behaviour of adults .
8 As I do not suggest or recommend that we reduce our intake to such a very low level , we need not concern ourselves that we will eat insufficient quantities to endanger our health .
9 This is necessary to make sure we are functioning in a realistic way , that we are not kidding ourselves that we have abilities that we do not , but more importantly , to ensure we are not allowing our inabilities to nullify our abilities .
10 We must therefore resist any temptation to read a book on doubt like a medical dictionary , or before long we may convince ourselves that we are suffering from every variety of doubt .
11 We are so ashamed of ourselves that we keep quiet about the whole sorry business .
12 However , we have to remind ourselves that we are using a byproduct of other wind sports , and hope that , like kite flying , they too prosper !
13 However , if we kid ourselves that we are all sweetness and light , then our angry and hateful Shadow will manifest itself elsewhere — in other people , in our view of the world , in our body , and in dreams ( perhaps as a dark , shadowy figure , or a thoroughly unpleasant character ) .
14 As long as we kid ourselves that we could not even imagine wanting to murder someone , for example , those murderous impulses will be acted out by others , as a mirror of our Shadow .
15 It contradicts and condemns us in our pride , our self-sufficiency , our ethics , our politics , and our religion which , far from being our point of closest access to God , is the house we build in order to hide ourselves from him , to convince ourselves that we have him in our control .
16 If we daydream while going through the motions of reading we can still recognise words , and perhaps even convince ourselves that we are reading .
17 In order not to obliterate its intuitive meaning , and yet satisfy ourselves that we are not falling into a subtle trap , we denote the constant polynomial ( a , 0,0 , … ) in J[x] once again by
18 It is as though we had to talk in order to reassure ourselves that we were living .
19 Worse , we give no signals to ourselves that we need time to grieve .
20 Our experience over the last few years has shown that there is work available in the sectors in which we operate and we have proved to ourselves that we can win business .
21 But everybody overeats , but most people , I mean they 're , if you look at the rubbish that we , that we push into ourselves that we should n't push in and that 's the bit that causes the damages
22 ‘ Tell that brother of yours that we 'll catch him in the end so he might as well give himself up . ’
23 But to most people , the greenhouse effect is at best remote — certainly nothing that we can alter .
24 I thought of life as the Whirlpool of Corrievrikin , where all men struggle helplessly and eventually are sucked into the vortex of death I see that we men have nothing that we can do in this whirlpool except find another creature that will share the hopelessness .
25 Nothing that we have said detracts from counsel 's duty in ordinary circumstances to accept a judge 's order or ruling made in the course of trial .
26 Certainly nothing that we decide in the present case is intended in the least degree to diminish the high importance rightly recognised to attach to the concept of the implied undertaking as a necessary way of underpinning the integrity of the discovery process .
27 ‘ However , nothing that we expect ever happens . ’
28 Nothing that we know of , ’ the doctor answered .
29 ‘ This place tells us nothing that we do not already know , ’ said Holmes .
30 We can not sit idly by and watch Yugoslavia tear itself to pieces , watch people being killed in vast numbers , and watch the wonderful archaeological and architectural gems being destroyed , while saying that there is nothing that we can do .
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