Example sentences of "[pron] was we " in BNC.

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1 Before I knew where I was we had begun our organization , choosing Sisters Against Disablement as its name .
2 Well he worked there and when I was we 'd left er Road , we 'd been up to up up to Terrace .
3 And I remember one year , we 'd had some Webbs Curly lettuce and I was We had a good crop and I remember one lady who stayed in and she come used to come Well practically every other days for six of these .
4 I was we were born at Odness you see .
5 I was we were playing this and erm they were really good because they 'd obviously played before and I could n't and they just kept it was really funny cos I kept getting like two and getting like two thousand or whatever and I want to do it really well , I 'm playing them again but they would n't so it
6 So I was we saw that .
7 which was we do n't know who won we do n't know what the score was but we think that but we 're , we 're assuming that that 's because they bring out all their secret showmen who do n't sh travel they have a little core , hard core of that do n't travel but they , they bring them out
8 No she was we were just teenagers , we were seventeen then .
9 Yeah we were yeah we was We was like a happy family really , you know , everybody through and through .
10 Well , what we did was we what we did was we erm found the alarm system to try and calculate some reasonable output rates erm but what we found was the output rates seemed incredibly low using based on the completion that they have got So what we was we erm took the nine week 's work that they 'd done and erm plus they 'd obviously based our output rates on that erm just for a little example , using the allowances we have n't got whereas actually we 'd been calculating it on what they had n't worked so , that was basically what we So moving on to the actual short-term programme
11 Ah , we was we was talking about going about somewhere but er , we changed our mind in the end , cos it was er
12 We was we was outside our house and I seen it turning along there somewhere .
13 We was we give him an aspirin he was alright .
14 So every everything was held right up so what we did was we was we cut back off we 're coming along the main road cut back off and went all down Halbury New Road and along Beach Road and around that way .
15 One was we had to take an international outlook rather than being a purely British company .
16 Well the new one was the new one was we looked at one in the gas
17 Remember there was we though we thought there
18 That is obviously something which we 've just got to keep topping up but it was recognised by the fathers that will there was we needed to be helped to train to sell and so we needed that training er to get us get us going so to speak , there were no natural salesmen amongst departments .
19 Now I think what te , what happened there was we er , we drifted away from setting down sc , er , er , scripts to finding good useful key words and phrases out of the paper that we could then fit into the script , and as it had gone that way , I realised it was working , and did n't see any point in trying to get it back to the way it was originally going , because it was going fine .
20 I do n't ever remember seeing , but there was we were n't allowed to have hair down , was you ? ,
21 So there was we 'd already taken the air out to get us through .
22 Er two bedrooms , it was a number sixty six Street in those days , there were new houses built on where it is now , I have n't been into Palfry for years but er there were five houses in the row , there was a family named at one end , there was us my nan of course we were next to , next to us was Mrs , a Mr and Mrs , and then er that was one side of the entry the other side of the entry was a family named , they had quite a large family , there was er two or three of those married Mrs and then er then Mrs they were all relatives , cos there was no such thing as overcrowding in those days you got as many in as you could you see , there was , another was Mr and Mrs she was a daughter of Mrs there was Mrs and Mrs she was another daughter of Mrs , and then er there were , there was a , a young man he was a son of Mrs , the were I think show people originally cos they were a bit anyhow there were five houses down the yard we had n't got running water in the sink , we had a , a big stone pump pipe in at the bottom of the entry we all had to go and draw out our own drinking water from this one standpipe .
23 As it was we were just too much and he had enough trouble coping with himself . ’
24 As it was we finished a stroke behind Dai Rees and lied for second with Kel Nagle .
25 They were the years in which we began to grow up ; in which we started to discover who it was we thought we 'd like to be ; in which our earliest ( and therefore longest-lasting ) preferences in love , music , pleasure were formed .
26 When both parents are dead there is no one to talk with about those uncertain , early memories of people and places , or to confirm when it was we had measles , or where we stayed on holiday .
27 An' then we 'ave a look at Bill 's book to check out what it was we got up to .
28 It was convenient that it was We Will Rock You , because here was this nursery rhyme and the version Queen did was very big and macho .
29 I heard Claire Rayner say what a good thing it was we were n't immortal because , without the ultimate threat of death , we 'd never have the impetus to use life fully .
30 We could n't help but notice that some of the coverage following whatever it was we were witness to at UniForum referred to it as ‘ Unified Unix . ’
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