Example sentences of "[pron] was [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 There has always been a vigorous tradition of English studies in adult education , and indeed it was through such classes that I was myself able to become a mature student in the early 1950s .
2 Perhaps I take a special pleasure in Cold Comfort Farm from the fact that I was myself brought up in a rural setting , surrounded by wild-eyed manic depressives of the Starkadder school , while I was reading the works of D.H.Lawrence and F.R.Leavis , whose loam-laden versions of country life did n't quite chime with mine .
3 The writing over the next few months of very many letters to these poor people who were as anguished as I was myself , afforded some distraction and mitigated my feelings of isolation .
4 Just as I was myself going to be killed , the village people managed to save me and take me up to the mountain , but I had lost too much blood and died anyway .
5 By the time I was myself a prefect , the penny had dropped .
6 I was myself interested in this concept but found that the word was being used by my colleagues in all sorts of different ways .
7 An unusual example of this occurred when I was myself collecting historical data about a small town during the course of a local social survey .
8 ‘ I feel it particularly strongly because , as a Hungarian Jew , I was myself a potential victim of the Holocaust .
9 ‘ I feel it particularly strongly because , as a Hungarian Jew , I was myself a potential victim of the Holocaust .
10 No matter what anyone else thought or said , I was beautiful : I was myself .
11 When I was myself again , Silver was standing with his crutch under his arm , cleaning the blood from his knife with some grass .
12 I said without thinking , ‘ I wonder what you were all like when you were young ? ’ , realising as I spoke how young I was myself as four people in early middle age turned to regard me with varying degrees of indignation and amusement .
13 She had been as insignificant in appearance as all the other girls I had seen him with : as insignificant as I was myself .
14 My mother was , I think , almost as ignorant on the subject as I was myself , having lived only in the nutshell of the English enclave , and she was silent .
15 When I was myself again , I locked the door that led from the street to my laboratory .
16 As late as 1942 I was myself assured most positively , by an otherwise sane Englishman , that , in an inaccessible valley just the other side of a visible range of mountains , he himself had encountered men with tails .
17 My Lords , I I 'm like others of Your Lordships , I was myself very greatly influenced er in my opinion of this Bill by the remarks made by no fewer than three er former Home Secretaries , my Noble Friend Lord , my Noble Friend Lord a and the Noble Lord , Lord of Cardiff .
18 I said I was myself but , but what get 's me is people stand there chat , I mean your walking behind them and then all of a sudden there just stop dead , and you must be carry on walking oh god there 's about twenty of them there blocking the fucking isle
19 Fortunately I was myself very interested in handwriting and had taught it .
20 It was not only a constitution which really was and is effective in the running of the state , but which was itself the product of the hegemonic culture already established .
21 As head of its armed forces , General Noriega rules a country which was itself brought into being by the United States .
22 However , in practice this was only achieved as a result of the very public support of Kibaki and of Charles Njonjo the influential Attorney General ( working against the interests of the founders of GEMA ) , a triumvirate which was itself to break apart with the public humiliation of Njonjo at judicial hearings in 1984 .
23 The basic dimension of a mill was its width which determined both the length and the height , and which was itself determined by the length of the cotton-spinning ‘ mule ’ .
24 Backed by the Emperor , Haussmann planned to bring fresh water to supply fountains and reservoirs by means of aqueducts , in preference to the use of the Seine which was itself becoming more and more contaminated .
25 Nor did it want the more advanced economic state of the West Bank , which was itself backward compared with the coastal areas of Palestine , to continue .
26 We were to ride in a rickshaw which was itself a gift from a delighted tourist .
27 Among many hundreds of aircraft destroyed or severely damaged as Hurricane Andrew swept across southern Florida in August were those housed in the Weeks Air Museum at Tamiami Airport , which was itself totally destroyed .
28 Under attack on all sides , not least from the infant population which was itself unwittingly helping to spread disease through the narrow streets and alleys of the town , some Frome people found a temporary escape in one or other of the forty or more pubs which vied with each other for custom ; drunkenness was commonplace , and many of those who did n't go to an early grave with some infection or other departed this life with a putrid liver .
29 For a start , 80% of its staff come from the former graphics system builder , which was itself born of a marriage made in hell between bitter rivals Ardent Computer Inc and Stellar Computer Corp back in 1989 .
30 Essentially based on war , too , were the martial associations , the orders of chivalry , election to which was itself an honour and a sign of good military reputation , whose members vied with one another in the stakes for further recognition born out of daring and courage shown in war .
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