Example sentences of "[pron] is quite " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You did hit him in the stomach — and that briefcase of yours is quite a solid design , after all .
2 There is a simple covenant form attached to this leaflet which is quite sufficient .
3 The film is therefore built up in pieces , a process which makes particular demands of an actor — who is also vulnerable to technical problems with cameras , lighting and editing in a way which is quite removed from the stage actor 's experience .
4 However , it is well recognised by conservationists that the modern pace and scale of change poses a threat which is quite unprecendented .
5 Typical of these is the 1990 Sauvignon Vigneto del Cero ( Venica & Venica ) which is quite lovely .
6 All of which is quite funny for a bit , but becomes boring because it is obviously such rubbish .
7 The directive — which is quite separate from the proposals for vetting large takeovers from the point of view of competition — is in itself uncontroversial .
8 The roars of laughter told that they knew the sergeant was right to suspect moonlighting ; something which is quite common to the lower ranks of the RUC because many have a background as skilled tradespeople .
9 And extra adhesion is given by the positive heel step , which is quite distinct .
10 Out of the Silent Planet is a book which is quite un-put-downable .
11 We fill 60% of all vacancies , which is quite a good conversion rate , ’ he said .
12 The first part of the programme consists of three short pieces : Cohan 's clever solo for Bhuller in which he discards his garments , in front of Crickmay blow-up photographs , to Britten 's Six Metamorphoses after Ovid ; Bhuller 's own Interlock , which is quite simply about an interlocked couple to the accompaniment of a sitar ; and a dance by Jonathan Lunn , to Philip Glass music , called Doppelganger which is , as you might guess , about a chap confronted by a woman in identical costume whose stuttery movements gradually blend into his own .
13 He drank barley wine which is quite strong stuff and he 'd smoke a few joints as well , but to the best of my knowledge , he would n't touch any hard drugs at all .
14 Its best role is the diplomatic and peacekeeping one — which is quite different from peace-enforcing , since that involves imposing an end to fighting .
15 Neither of these behaviours comprised pseudosexual behaviour of the sort aimed at reducing tension and regulating dominance interactions which is quite common in mammals .
16 I like to do tests in my style which is quite different , I particularly like using black and white and creating more interesting pictures .
17 The priest may be black or white , fair or dark , old or young , good-looking or ugly , male or female … for the priest is a symbol , which is quite different from a picture — the representation attempted by an artist .
18 The skin , which is quite thick , is black and gives good protection against solar radiation .
19 I do not need any lead because the size 6 hook will hold a lobworm which is quite capable of being cast a short distance , and able to sink under its own weight .
20 Nevertheless , Roberts describes a way of life before and after the First World War which is quite fascinating and now , obviously , long past .
21 Those who work in schools and colleges can suffer from a sense of inadequacy or guilt which is quite absurd in its baselessness .
22 Rather I wish to draw attention to a particular exhibit in the gallery which is quite simply the best that I have ever seen and which appeals at many levels : intellectual , artistic and aesthetic .
23 The chain , that is , of reasoned progress towards the goal of belief in a strong religion , which is quite safe from the destructive power of superstition , dogma and misdirected scientific thought .
24 Or Strauss congratulating the two of them on ‘ this piece of poetry which is quite exceptionally suited to music ’ ?
25 Some twenty years later , Comden and Green were also behind On the Twentieth Century ( ) , whose book is not really in the same class as Wonderful Town , but which is quite magnificently preposterous .
26 The sound of the New York brass players quite simply does not suit this music particularly well and the trumpets , especially , have a fat , ripe sound which is quite unlike that of Leipzig or Vienna trumpets , either in Bruckner 's time or in ours .
27 There are essentially three parts in the construction of the game : first , the assembly of the printed circuit board ( p.c.b. ) which is quite straightforward ; secondly , the assembly of the wicket and fielding l.e.d.s on to the board which can be a piece of thin plywood or hardboard sheet , an assembly which is a bit fiddly but not insurmountable ; thirdly , the fabrication of a very simple box which holds the finished job in a nice compact manner .
28 Sometimes the source of the noise is a Pistol Shrimp ( Synalpheus species ) , another common accidental introduction , and one which is quite harmless .
29 ‘ I had four solos throughout the set , which is quite generous really .
30 On this particular model , there is a hint of a birdseye pattern in the maple , which is quite exotic and renders the guitar individual and attractive .
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