Example sentences of "[pron] is this " in BNC.

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1 Ah well I I is this going to be , if it 's a boy is this going to be a Benjamin ?
2 First of all ask ourselves is this a genuine problem ?
3 which is this city on a Saint 's Day ,
4 Very useful in teething which is this oversensitive , capricious state where nothing pleases and the teething is worse ( < ) heat and night , better ( > ) cold applications .
5 The hotel Santon looks out over the lake which is this area 's main attraction .
6 Even better , and on a completely different level , is ‘ Gone ’ , which is this record 's masterpiece .
8 And yet it Ackroyd 's love for Dickens which is this book 's only substantial deficiency .
9 And I have a pair of goggles here but there is another safety device built into this which is this window .
10 And you come over this hill and suddenly there 's nothing on the other side except a huge hole in the ground , and the road goes along almost a cliff edge the side of this erm hole which is this worked out iron ore quarry .
11 Well I 've er turned the tape over after side one , which was my first lesson and I 'm now doing side two , which is this lesson and the idea is to look at the s way in which language is used .
12 So that 's an acid plus a metal , now an acid plus a base which is this one we 've just done , a metal oxide the metal oxides are bases , er you can think of them as being alkaline , we call it basic but very very similar sort of thing to alkaline okay so what happens with a base and an acid ?
13 And Cafe Direct , which is this one , which is the great hope of lots of people
14 One of which is this erm estimate that you 'll do now .
15 which is this is not an H P Laserjet Two D.
16 For the most part , the political history of Charles the Bald 's reign which is this book 's prime focus was the concern of an aristocratic elite .
17 This question really resolves itself into a very specific one , which is this : How do individuals of subsequent generations ‘ inherit ’ the primal trauma and its consequences ?
18 You say the Labour Party is agreed that there should be more women in the shadow cabinet , but which is this Labour Party then , the parliamentary Labour Party certainly is n't , there was a conspiracy to keep women out .
19 Although the excavators have warned that these dates are only a broad indication of that of the complex and segmented line which is this phase of the Danevirke as a whole , they nevertheless believe that in a period of danger from Germany Harald rebuilt the central section , and was also responsible for the first phases of the flanking lines to east and west .
20 First of all chairman we have put in this morning erm a paper on commitments which erm I think was asked for by the panel which is this document which should have been circulated er by now .
21 which is this .
22 My Lord er in paragraph three fourteen of the statement of claim there is an important fact er which is a fact that is admitted by the defendant which is this that had the defendant on the plaintiff 's behalf taken the opportunity which was open to the plaintiff by virtue of national condition twenty two which should say and served a special notice to complete upon the vendors on about the eighteenth or the twenty second of October , the contract would in fact have been rescinded on the thirteenth or the nineteenth of November nineteen eighty five and the plaintiff would therefore have been able to get out of the contract and that , as I say , is admitted in the amended dissent .
23 Which is this ?
24 No because I think by the end well unless something dramatic happens on the fourth of February which is this Friday next Friday rather .
25 The decision demon , which is this one over here , which is p is a cognitive demon , looks at the cogit the output from the cognitive demons , sees which one 's shouting loudest and then decides that that 's the letter .
26 One 's doing five and seven which is this is for two and one 's doing six which is this one .
27 One 's doing five and seven which is this is for two and one 's doing six which is this one .
28 I 've got the brochure for local government conference , which is this weekend and I 've got the brochure for national conference .
29 Which is this one ?
30 erm see there 's five five eight six which is this one , it 's forty
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