Example sentences of "[pron] is all " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And what the hell business of yours is all this anyway , Sergeant ? ’
2 Society leaders argue that their single issue approach works — which is all that matters to them .
3 December 13 , 1956 : Dear Bunny , There are some delightful , first-rate pieces in your book , such as the one about your father and the first of the two about the Jews , but I am as always distressed by your conception of Russian history , which is all wrong , being based on the stale Bolshevist propaganda which you imbibed in your youth .
4 Other varieties were made on farms in small quantities and were usually for home consumption only , but the resurgence of interest in farmhouse foods coupled with milk quotas that forced farmers to look for ways of using their surplus milk , has brought about a revolution in British cheesemaking , which is all to the good for the cheese eating public .
5 Plus his monologue and repartee with his studio audience , Hall was proud to be street-smart retailing in-jokes and zinging forth slang which is all black , yet hardly all middle class .
6 It 's not the quietest of cars , but I can still hear the stereo , which is all that matters .
7 What has also developed is a kind of unofficial contest between himself and Warren Beatty which is all about women , i.e. , their famous conquests and their alleged insatiable quests to make it with the world 's most attractive women , or some alluring beauty either may have encountered in a bar or restaurant .
8 ‘ I could n't sit there all day holding the rod and feeling for only one or two bites , which is all you get on the water I fish , ’ and , ‘ I 'd like to see anyone catch fish from my local cut when touch legering . ’
9 It is the result of the creation or strengthening of a dominant market position which is all important .
10 Which is all fair and well — I assume the purpose of this is to block off certain routes to force the gameplayer to explore more thoroughly .
11 This cyclical fluctuation in volume is due to-the operation of the camcorder 's automatic gain control which is all the time trying to maintain a constant sound level irrespective of the natural level of the incoming signal , an effect which makes it impossible to reproduce true audio perspectives .
12 ( But three houses — which is all we have so far — can only take in thirty old people .
13 When we read Francis Haskell 's book Rediscoveries in art , which is all about how people suddenly start admiring this or that painter who was previously despised or ignored , one has to doubt the objective ‘ reality ’ of values .
14 Sometimes the Pemberton Musks are listed separately , sometimes they may be listed in with Modern Shrub Roses as well as Hybrid Musks , or they may be listed in with it , which is all very confusing .
15 Er , the news letters we get , monthly news letter for groups , er , this one , which is all about what different groups in Britain are doing , can give you ideas .
16 Because we ourselves are Italian we live and breathe Italy and all things Italian , we see places all the year round — not just during a brief flying visit which is all other operators can afford .
17 But since this use implies the broader one , which is all we need in this book , we shall not pursue it .
18 As we shall see , in practice it is not necessary to write down the matrices unc merely perform simple operations with the rows of A and I in ( 1 ) , which is all the matrices unc do .
19 The small-order example which is all we can give here does not of course do justice to the method , but at least shows how it works .
20 What is likely to happen of course is that er in the year two thousand and ten when we do need these fast reactors , we 'll be buying in French or Japanese technology as we 've done in many other areas which is all rather sad really .
21 It can not be said , merely by looking at the allegations in the statement of claim , which is all that is permissible under the terms of the preliminary point of law , that the council could not have considered the action expedient for the promotion or protection of the interests of the inhabitants of Derbyshire .
22 There was an unresolved discussion in the case as to whether the lessee continued liable for the entire rent or merely for an apportioned part of it , which is all that the plaintiff claimed .
23 In these situations it is the contractual foundation which is all important because it is the contract that regulates the basic rights and liabilities of the parties .
24 " Anyway , I 'm not one , and you know it and I know it , which is all that matters . "
25 He intends to get other unions to lobby the government for some sort of taxation to be levied on the hotel industry , which is all we need . ’
26 Which is all very well , except that — ( He continues with tight hysteria , under control . )
27 Sometimes I do n't even bother to take off my gown , which is all smeared and tyretracked .
28 Flaubert did n't believe in progress : especially not in moral progress , which is all that matters .
29 Near to it stands the Wailing Wall which is all that remains of the ancient Jewish Temple , .
30 On the evidence of his writings , which is all that we have , Warr had a classical education and some experience of litigation , but he was probably not a lawyer .
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