Example sentences of "[pron] made his " in BNC.

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1 ‘ … and I made his toe . ’
2 I made his socks on my Singer KE2400 single bed machine which I have had for years .
3 ‘ Will you write Charles Napier that I made his man Moncrieff a lieutenant , ’ Keith wrote , ‘ and I am now obliged to invalid him to prevent his being dismissed by a court martial .
4 Then Kubelík took ill and Nelson himself made his Met début on a day 's notice conducting the score .
5 Graham Chapman , who died on the eve of the twentieth anniversary of his first appearance in the show which made his reputation , travelled along ( and to a certain extent pioneered ) that now orthodox route to celebrity .
6 It is worth describing it at such length so that readers who have not read Tolkien 's ‘ minor ’ works might develop some idea of Lewis 's importance as Tolkien 's ‘ onlie begetter ’ or ‘ miglior fabbro ’ , for there can be very little doubt that it was Lewis 's friendship and encouragement which led Tolkien to write the works which made his name with the public ; just as it was Tolkien 's friendship which released in Lewis wells of creativity which had remained ( though he was so naturally fluent ) mysteriously dry .
7 As a child Louis-Napoleon showed himself to be both alert and sensitive , two attributes which made his life difficult , because he was the victim of the unhappy marriage of his parents .
8 In these houses Burn evolved the elements of the plan types which made his reputation .
9 On the other hand , the doctor would probably be in breach of his duty if it could be shown that the patient 's request was made at a time when he was demonstrably and predictably suffering from a temporary condition which made his judgment unreliable .
10 Lister was the inventor of several mechanical processes which made his fortune , and he duly became Lord Masham .
11 It was that which made his anger so violent : the knowledge that it was not his alone ; that it was shared and felt by thousands upon thousands of others , rich and poor , strong and weak , man and woman , parent and child , all around the world .
12 The tide was coming in and , as he rounded the rocks which screened the Cove , he saw two things : a courting couple doing what he felt to be far more than courting and then something a little further away which made his heart miss a beat .
13 It was clearly his national eminence , rather than any claim to be a natural arbiter of local affairs , which made his lordship attractive .
14 It was not what Abel offered , but his faith , which made his gift acceptable ( Hebrews 11:4 ) .
15 Andrew dismounted , trying to ignore the fact that her body was maturing in a way which made his blood race , and that she was almost ripe for love-making .
16 ‘ We never got any recognition for it , but Vidal 's short , geometric look , which made his name and got him into the news , had never before been seen .
17 Finch was a man with no zone of indifference and a lifelong distaste for milky kindnesses , which made his present wish to push Henry away and into a career of his own both powerful and covert .
18 Possibly the test is , ‘ Can it be inferred from the facts of the particular case that the occupier had such control over the licensee or over the circumstances which made his act possible that he ought to have prevented it ?
19 He was tall , taller than Magee 's six feet , dressed in faded jeans and baseball boots which made his feet look enormous .
20 She was housekeeper to a nano , a dwarf , called Appio who was always dressed in a suit with baggy trousers which made his rather stout figure look even broader .
21 He then embarked on the serious biographies which made his name .
22 He looked shifty , and the painter had n't known enough to disguise the bulge under his jacket which made his chain of office lie uneven .
23 He had been caught in the spiral which made his contemporary Polybius the champion of Roman law and order .
24 The electronic strains of a synthesized choir could be heard above the rumbling exhausts and Harry , gazing out at the tinsel-hung shopfronts , wondered if it was this jangling ubiquity of Christmas spirit which made his fellow men and women seem so dismally ignoble .
25 I rose , broke my fast and slipped the landlord some pieces of silver which made his vinegarish face look more congenial and subservient .
26 She 'd been so sure he would still be at La Tour Monchauzet — had steeled herself to meet him again — which made his absence a total anticlimax .
27 Equation is seen , for instance , when we recognize a picture of someone we know ; and qualification was at work when a cave painter added the last few touches which made his bison look more energetic and more nearly alive than the others already on the rock face .
28 It was clearly his national eminence , rather than any claim to be a natural arbiter of local affairs , which made his lordship attractive .
29 And if any words could be found in the Statute which provided that besides paying Income Tax on income people should pay for advantages or emoluments in its wider sense ( such as I think the word " emoluments " here , has not , for reasons to be presently given ) , there is no doubt of Mr Tennant 's possession of a material advantage , which made his salary of higher value to him than if he did not possess it , and upon the hypothesis which I have just indicated , would be taxable accordingly .
30 When he does have something to say he does so politely , almost shyly , but with a touch of the tongue-in-cheek humour which made his father the darling of the fans in the Sixties and Seventies .
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