Example sentences of "[pron] made be " in BNC.

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1 An example of the latter point I made is shown on pg 45 where he tells of how he came to know Eddie .
2 My colleagues were present sir and have informed me that the comment that I made is actually accurate .
3 I listened to this tale of woe and as I dug with my tiny spade , wondered what I might find , an arm or perhaps a leg , but the only discoveries that I made were small pieces of coal washed up on the beach .
4 ( With a little re-working I even found the sweaters I made were nice enough to give as Christmas presents ! )
5 I was never popular and I had few friends , but such friendships as I made were mostly lasting .
6 The references that I made were not to Labour party documents but to papers published by the chambers of commerce .
7 In a public statement Bradley , who was liable to fines for failing to report major investments , said : " The errors I made were not deliberate .
8 I 'd love to be a record success again , but the last LP I made was so bloody personal it was ludicrous : you ca n't write songs about those you love , your children , and expect other people to buy them …
9 I know some people might think the decision I made was unpleasant and monstrous but I want to tell how I came to make the decision and the reasons behind it .
10 ‘ The biggest mistake I made was to start playing professional golf so early , ’ he explains .
11 I BELIEVE the decision I made was commonsense — the right one in the circumstances .
12 I would like to think that if Freud were alive today , he would have said the same thing , of course when Freud wrote this book in nineteen twenty one er there was no such thing as group psychotherapy it had n't been invented yet , it was to become very much after World War Two but partly existed before and perhaps it 's past its peak now , but erm it did become very much a after World War Two and the point I made was and this is really wh wh what Heather ha h has just said , that if you take Freud 's book on , on group seriously , how can you do group psychoanalysis ?
13 Among the points she made were the need for care of children , the importance of supporting the NCH , which was doing such a wonderful job for children in need ; and the necessity of seeking out the fathers who abandon their children and making them pay maintenance .
14 However , any protest she made was far more likely to lose her friends then gain me any .
15 The noise she made was like a cry from hell , and James knew her suffering had turned this place into hell itself .
16 Whatever she made was done to suit her taste .
17 When Diana started to learn piano , any progress she made was always dwarfed by the achievements of her grandmother , Ruth , Lady Fermoy , who had performed at the Royal Albert Hall in front of the Queen Mother , and her sister Sarah who studied piano at a conservatoire in Vienna following her abrupt departure from West Heath .
18 One of the changes she made was to include a check in the action , abandoning what had become a ‘ bouncing ’ action , not through any fault in her father 's design but because the technique of those whose ‘ strength ’ knew ‘ no moderation ’ had superseded those whose playing was ‘ soft and melting ’ Between 1796 , when von Schönfeld used those words , and 1809 when Reichardt wrote his letter , the potential of the new instrument became generally accepted in Vienna .
19 The other decision she made was that , on the one-per-cent chance that it was n't a fool 's errand she was on , since it was uphill for most of the way and she did n't want to arrive hot and sticky , she would take a taxi up , and walk down .
20 Of all the proposals , the one that you made is the silliest .
21 The recordings you made were mainly smaller-scale pieces .
22 A long and somewhat rambling discussion followed during which the judge effectively tried to persuade the barrister that he must get up before the jury in order to say , ‘ in terms that the remark that you made was a remark which should not have been made and apologise , and you can say in terms that one of the reasons why it was a remark which should not have been made was that you had never seen the document ; you did not know what it contained . ’
23 The point a lot of you made was that the course does seem to be very based on one text , the Arnold text and you 're quite , well you 're almost right about that .
24 Half past four you went home , you were five , six , six o'clock news , you liked to watch the six o'clock news so you sat down , had a bit of light tea , watched the six o'clock news , read the paper , the next big decision you made was whether to watch Coronation Street or not .
25 President , I 'd like to er , offer thanks on behalf of my membership in the Process and Construction Section , on the false agreement , it was a very successful week and just to echo Keith 's words , those links that we made are working and we are in correspondence with the , our colleagues in and we 're picking that up in terms of recruitment .
26 The decision we made was careful , it involved us in much work , and it was , in the event , I think , a seriously mistaken decision .
27 ‘ The only mistake we made was to wait for four years before trying to sort out our lives , ’ Julius replied in an unruffled tone .
28 One of the points we made was that even a few years in multimedia development is a very long time .
29 Ironically , some of the breakthroughs we made were with others from the UK market .
30 The first advances she herself made were to Sylvia , Sue 's four-year-old daughter .
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