Example sentences of "[pron] do something " in BNC.

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1 Wo n't someone do something ? ’
2 Senses ( b ) and ( c ) however can both be treated in terms of the notion of " passively experiencing " some event , with ( b ) implying on top of that a refusal to stand by passively and let someone do something without intervening .
3 Let represents permission as non-intervention , i.e. as not obstructing the accomplishment of the event expressed by the infinitive , and so the letting can not be conceived as coming before the event permitted ( indeed one can not say that one has let someone do something until they have actually done it ) .
4 How could someone do something like that .
5 ‘ Look , er , ’ said Angalo , ‘ ca n't I do something ?
6 Did I do something wrong ? ’ she asked , instinctively seeming to know then that there was something more at fault here now than her unexpected moment of shy panic .
7 whatever you call it , did I do something on you , and why are you treating me like that but th
8 Could I do something of that kind ? ’
9 There is sometimes a fine line between encouraging residents to take part in an activity and making them do something they really do not want to do .
10 The veto , yes we touched upon that , that 's that 's stopping the congress from doing something rather than making them do something .
11 Even if he lets them do something .
12 " Perhaps you should let me do something for you , " she suggested .
13 Let me do something for you , instead . ’
14 Both parties can get something from that situation , if you trust people and you look at things a relationship over a period of time rather than this particular thing this is what I want now this is what I 'm gon na get rather than well okay I 'll help you do this now and later on they 'll help me do something else , it becomes a win win .
15 ‘ And how can you make me do something that I have no power to do ? ’
16 ‘ Ca n't somebody do something ? ’ she asked .
17 Is it not time he retired and let somebody do something ?
18 Why did n't somebody do something ?
19 Ca n't somebody do something about these people ?
20 Would you do something for me ?
21 ‘ Will you do something for me ? ’ he asked .
22 ‘ Will you do something for me ? ’
23 ‘ Will you do something for me tomorrow , Liebchen ? ’
24 ‘ Ca n't you do something about these pictures ? ’ she asked Wilcox .
25 Can you do something — anything ? ’
26 I 'm sure you 'll come up with all kinds of ideas of your own , but for starters why do n't you do something you know really well — the world of fashion . ’
27 Why do n't you do something useful like clearing out the kitchen ?
28 Why do n't you do something that will get you somewhere , Karim ? ’
29 Tugging the jeans over her thighs , she said : ‘ Why do n't you do something about that bitch at Larksoken , the one suing Neil ?
30 Please can you do something to help Wales win the World Cup ’ ?
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