Example sentences of "[pron] during [det] " in BNC.

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1 She was involved in some of the student protests against them during that period ; but at the end of the day she still felt that an English education was a necessary tool for survival for her children .
2 What we ha If we do n't support them during that period , how on earth do we get them to be two years old ?
3 It is better to control them during this ‘ in-ground ’ period , the best control being achieved by watering down a solution of a chemical , one of a group with the long name ‘ chlorinated hydrocarbons ’ , and used primarily in this case on lawns as a wormkiller .
4 She had no wish for Doreen to accompany them during this rare opportunity to be alone with Silas ; then she sighed with relief as his next words rang like bells in her ears .
5 What I am seeking to do is to go and support Conservative candidates up and down the country and I 'm supporting many of them during this local election campaign .
6 Great attention was paid to the pollution which resulted from contact with them during these periods , with vital purification rituals being prescribed to avert the danger to both individuals and community ( in particular , the male religious community , see below ) and restrictions imposed on their movement , particularly with regard access to the cult , during their times of uncleanness .
7 And the previous level of frankness in communication between the spouses about these matters can narrow or widen the possibility of stress between them during these communications in a hospital ward .
8 Ruined churches still stand as testaments to the women and children burnt alive in them during those years .
9 He said his thug would stay with me during that time . ’
10 A lot of personal things had been happening to me during that year .
11 It certainly sustained me during that dreadful time .
12 I would appreciate your prayers for me during these coming months as I seek direction from the Lord about my future .
13 I also have to bear in mind the interests of my wife and family who have been such a wonderful support to me during this particularly trying period for all of us .
14 The fact that the Commission sat on its hands and did nothing during these events must be taken as some indication of the prevailing mood in Brussels .
15 Was the old sardonic Lexandro reasserting himself during this lull of relaxation ?
16 She felt humiliated — and because she 'd been so attracted to you during that first meeting , it was hard for her to realise the attraction must have been all on her side .
17 I am very honoured as Rector to be associated with this great University and hope that during my period of office should you decide to come here , that I may be of assistance to you during that time .
18 And about this too I hope to help you during this course .
19 The territorial expansion of the big cities , and the further metropolitanization of London itself during this period , represents a fascinating period of land-use change and urban transformation .
20 His illness began to manifest itself during this time but , being David , he refused to allow it to interfere with his duties as President .
21 Clashes also continued within Turkey itself during this period , and some 40 people were reported to have been killed in separate incidents , the worst of these occurring on Aug. 16 when 14 Kurds and five troops and police died as demonstrations broke out to mark the eighth anniversary of the separatist rebellions of 1983 [ see pp. 33037-38 ] .
22 Why had n't she realized how hopeless she had become , how she had forgotten everything during those months of pregnancy ?
23 In the second year , all students opting for Theatre Studies follow the two Core Studies Units , one during each term .
24 Now to see how Mrs Hatton had occupied herself during that particular week .
25 She realised at once that he could be forgiven if he reminded her that she had n't been too sugary herself during that phone call : but he did nothing of the kind , though he did allow himself a small smirk before all trace of a smile went from him .
26 And to sort of protect her during all that police interrogation .
27 Diana felt a debt of gratitude to the woman who had been so kind to her during that first traumatic public engagement eighteen months before as well as an empathy with someone who , like her , had come into the royal world from the outside .
28 A frown touched her brow to recall the feeling of unease that had gripped her during that brief conversation .
29 ‘ That I can be of help , that she is delighted to have me here and that my presence can be of great comfort to her during these very trying times .
30 Secondly , it is not even probable that she would have known much about the progress of the book at the time , except in the most general terms : she was not often in her brother 's company and his letters to her during these years do not suggest that details of such matters formed any part of their common ground .
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