Example sentences of "[pron] off to " in BNC.

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1 Jack , Willy , Rex and I took ourselves off to the Lamb Inn for lunch and put away as much ale and steak and kidney pie as four young men could desire .
2 As far as I 'm concerned , the residents come first ; and I expect every member of staff to understand that , right through from helping them get up in the morning to taking someone off to bingo if she wants to go .
3 because you think , I mean I come up here and I slag someone off to you or yeah , and then I 'll go downstairs and I 'll sit with them at lunch and have a perfectly normal conversation with them
4 At other times he craved solitude and took himself off to Balmoral to fish , paint and stalk deer .
5 As soon as he was of age he took himself off to London to work as a merchant 's clerk .
6 So , when a couple named Holt decided to bring their marriage to an end , Mr Holt took himself off to Reno and filed a divorce suit .
7 Take himself off to Yzordderrex and set up business with Peccable ; marry Hoi-Polloi despite her crossed eyes ; have a litter of kids and retire to the Hills of the Conscious Cloud , in the Third , and raise parrots .
8 And yet he had n't directly experienced the fighting in the city ; at the first sign of trouble his mother had packed Senga and himself off to England .
9 A punch would be delivered and Ricky , thinking this had ended the row would take himself off to bed only to find the next minute that Minton was emptying a bottle of water over him .
10 Aware that the situation was getting out of hand and unable to cope any more with their triangular relationship , Norman took himself off to Cornwall .
11 After further disagreements with Hoveyda , Zahedi left the Foreign Ministry and took himself off to his fathers house in Switzerland .
12 Then , as much in guilty reaction to the receptionist 's parting look of disapproval as in the hope of ordering his thoughts , he took himself off to the bath .
13 He bowed reluctantly , and took himself off to his post .
14 No , I , I gather he has taken a long weekend , I do n't know where he 's whisked himself off to , but I 'm afraid I wo n't be here , er next week , I do n't know , quite know who will be , but er , Dominic 's taking er , a well needed rest .
15 Cornelius took himself off to the telephone box .
16 You know I took himself off to the Park the other day , the the tiny one you know ! and fortunately I was n't in charge , his father was in charge of them .
17 Sally Gilbert-Smith and Ruth Gilbert from Cornwall — Sally , 28 , who works in Lloyds Bank in Newquay , entered herself and her mother for the competition because it seemed like the perfect opportunity for the experts to show them off to their full potential .
18 The dowager did her best to satisfy the nobility by trailing a number of them off to France , and getting pensions for them — even if some , like the master of Ruthven , complained about the shabbiness of the pay-off : .
19 The citizens were literally waiting to seize the disembarking troops and bear them off to their homes for lavish entertainment , while singing on the quayside was the ample figure of Perla Siedle Gibson , ‘ The Lady in White ’ .
20 One way of dealing with these problems is to run off a standard pro-forma , to fill in the blank spaces and send them off to parents .
21 We watched them get into a small carriage which took them off to their new residence .
22 The conventional way of cleaning fabrics is to cart them off to the washing machine , wash them , dry them , and cart them back again .
23 Which brings us to one vital and final point on the matter of taking our fauna aloft and then casting them off to the winds not knowing exactly where they are going to land .
24 Although he was married to OONAGH , the most beautiful woman to have ever lived , he frequently gave chase to pretty mortal maids and carried them off to his royal chambers .
25 Sad stories of fathers making fortunes out of their pretty daughters by marrying them off to antiquated old men again and again as their husbands wither and die , leaving them with fortune after fortune .
26 Mothers no doubt think they are doing the very best for their children , getting them off to a good night 's sleep .
27 Brutally suppressed by bluecoats led by Rope Thrower , known to whites as Kit Carson , in 1863 , they had been out of the major Indian Wars because the Reservation lands given to them were so arid and dreary that even the white man did n't want to kick them off to somewhere else .
28 He began writing jokes and scripts for TV shows and sending them off to producers and stars .
29 Princess Marie Louise borrowed the King 's dispatch boxes and sent them off to be copied .
30 The pressure became too much as sponsors , fly-by-nights and average New Zealanders sent them off to the World Cup with the message that all New Zealand expected them to win .
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