Example sentences of "[art] [noun prp] [being] " in BNC.

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1 Bazin 's inauguration on June 19 was boycotted by local diplomats but was attended by the papal nuncio ( the Vatican being the only state to have recognized the army-backed regime ) .
2 Litigation between 1974 and 1978 concerning the need for an ambient air quality standard for lead resulted in the EPA being ordered to set an NAAQS for lead ( table 8.1 ) .
3 The difference in population density is also explained by the large rural areas of the Auvergne being more thinly populated than those of Wales .
4 Manchester United , Liverpool , Forest and Villa had all won Europe 's champion trophy — with only Bayern and Hamburg from the Bundesliga being successful .
5 The ECM being essentially free and unregulated is governed by the principles of competition while most domestic money markets have been riddled with monopolistic elements and restrictive practices , e.g. credit ( loan ) allocation rules , which sought to secure a privileged position for certain vested parties such as government borrowers and domestic banks .
6 Much against their natural inclinations , Jesus 's earthly followers were gradually persuaded that far from the Friday being the disastrous and final demise of their hero , by some inexplicable divine miracle he had dealt death itself a death-blow , and had risen from the grave to a new and everlasting life-form .
7 Nonetheless the delegations met in Freetown on July 10 , the NPFL being represented by spokesman Tom Woewiyu .
8 Unfortunately for Scheer , however , an earlier provocative raid by Hipper 's ships had resulted in the Seydlitz being struck by a mine .
9 Mr Crawford added that poaching and pollution were the two main hurdles standing in the way of the Foyle being the best salmon fishery in Europe .
10 Regrettably this has resulted in the TEC being unable to give a permanent contract for 1992–93 to a very small number of training providers , including Bishop College of Beauty .
11 But in fact Faburden probably lies behind all the movements , the Credo being only the plainest and simplest example .
12 Neither of these two great figures said much about God , the Buddha being involved in the human situation , and Confucius in the cultural .
13 He was also strongly opposed to the CNAA being responsible for the development of a rival system to that of the universities , rather than the safety net for the universities that he had envisaged .
14 In the diagram , the original angle off the nose is 30° , the QDM being 010° ( 30° off the track of 040° ) .
15 The basis will default to the identifier of the SPR being updated .
16 While the Cold War evaporated as Mikhail Gorbachev , the Soviet leader , realised that there was little point in the USSR being a military giant if it remained an ‘ economic pygmy ’ , the world would not , Mr Roper said , necessarily become a safer place .
17 Girl , how can you sit there and talk about one of the Feltons being funny !
18 These are two versions of the same garment , the Tramontana being an over-the-head style with a half zip , and the Chinook being a full-zip jacket .
19 Mr Smith said ‘ market forces ’ meant , for example , a 25-year-old shop worker in Liverpool earning just £40 a week or a 35-year-old travel agent 's employee in the Midlands being paid just £1.11 per hour .
20 In his diary , on 20 January , Carter added , oddly for a man who had rather recently praised the Shah , " And I believe the taint of the Shah being in our country is not good for either us or him " .
21 are made in Devon in the style of traditional French cheeses , the Wheatland being like the best farmhouse Brie and the Moor following a recipe for Port Salut .
22 This led to an invasion of courting couples in his doorway , looking at the wonderments of the bright peep , and the Trongate being described as ‘ among the best-lit streets in Europe ’ .
23 In Neugebauer 's view , it originated on purely practical grounds by continual observation and averaging of the time intervals between successive arrivals of the Nile flood at Heliopolis , the rising of the Nile being the main event in Egyptian life .
24 This results in the DH being reached over the field with little hope of seeing anything in marginal conditions .
25 This results in the DH being reached when the aircraft is over the field .
26 In the early days of gliding , trestles were not considered essential as an aid to rigging ; I remember the very first ASW17 to arrive in the UK being rigged without them .
27 This should provide enough new information to keep astronomers busy for many years to come , those in the UK being particularly well placed to follow up the survey with work on UKIRT on Hawaii .
28 As Chief Inspector of Accidents it was within my domain to agree or reject the proposal , so Geoffrey Holton telephoned me at my home that Sunday morning and I immediately agreed to the UK being responsible for the investigation .
29 Instead of the UK being especially good at manufacturing , say , chemicals and bad at producing food , it would both import and export chemicals and food as a multitude of purchasers and sellers made their decisions as ‘ world citizens ’ .
30 This is true of the Great Little Trains with Bala lake apparently very badly hit , the Ffestiniog being quiet and the same can be said of the V of R in Aberystwyth where for most of June early July just 4 coaches serviced the two trains a day up the valley .
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