Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Inter-governmental action , recognising the inter-relationships and interdependence between the richer and poorer countries in Europe have been severely hampered by a lack of willingness to surrender national sovereignty and self-interest .
2 We strongly support the emphasis on the inter-relationships and fragility of coastal ecosystems and estuaries .
3 In both conventional , terrestrial over-the-air broadcasting and , more broadly , in telecommunications , the state monopoly was grounded in legislation extending back to 1837 ; the need to police the air-waves and the limited capacity of the spectrum were used in its justification .
4 Does the milkman see the ghosts of warrior , yeoman , serf and villein — and all the womenfolk that kept the hamlet — as he drives his float down the 1,000 year old lane ?
5 I therefore concur with both the judgments that have been delivered .
6 I agree with both the judgments that have been given and with the reasons given in those judgments for allowing this appeal .
7 The view that he changes is not usually very considered and , from his short statement , he has clearly not studied in depth either of the judgments that we are discussing today .
8 From amongst the numerous citations which could be made from the judgments and speeches in those cases , I am content to take the judgment of Byles J. in Cooper 's case , 14 C.B.N.S. 180 .
9 No cases are referred to in the judgments or were cited in argument .
10 People come from all over Darlington for some of the activities but in the Denes area the church is regarded as a genuine focal point for non-churchgoers as well as regular worshippers .
11 The analysis showed that there were many similarities between the activities that are systemically desirable and those undertaken at the time of the study , but highlighted certain aspects of the organisation that needed strengthening to allow the Colleges to become more self-supporting once the ERA took effect .
12 Young children imitate and ‘ play ’ the activities that they see adults enjoying .
13 During the second section I will look at the activities that I myself was involved with during my time in post .
14 Recently refurbished and extended , it provides a meeting room , a smaller games room with snooker table , and a kitchen , and is well used for all the activities that make up village life .
15 This is why in Perth Matthew Gloag and Son Limited have been already planning the activities that will be run before , during and after the event for The Famous Grouse .
16 One of the activities that will.help us to keep being successful is to keep on learning .
17 Naturally the inherent constraints of the archaeological evidence , our caution about the relationship between the archaeological record and the activities that formed it , and the limited research which has been carried out determine the cohesion and balance of a work of this type .
18 But first , bearing all these matters in mind , let us return to consider the activities that come under the heading of social research .
19 It may be best to try to specify the teaching objectives in behavioural terms — planning the thoughts and particularly the activities that you envisage for the pupils and the teacher .
20 Two factors in particular are responsible for the difference : first , the large number of children assigned to the care of a single adult and , second , the curricular aims which provide the framework for most of the activities that take place .
21 This step consists of identifying in detail what is required to get from here to there : the activities that must be completed , the resources that must be allocated , the relationships that must be in place , the management structures that are necessary for the transition , and the rewards that must exist .
22 This meant that the district officer became increasingly isolated from the activities that often had the greatest impact on — and the greatest importance for — his district .
23 The activities that remain become larger and more detailed exercises .
24 Throughout the training programme we discussed the ways in which people are disabled — not by limited ability but by a number of barriers that keep them apart from the activities that the rest of their communities are involved in .
25 It is generally accepted that control systems have to be organized in parallel to the activities that they are intended to monitor .
26 This applies limits to the things the supervisor can require the subordinate to do , and involves acceptance by the superior of limited deviations by the subordinate from the activities that are expected .
27 Erm it it varied really w we saw our role in general as being to support and and facilitate the activities that they wanted to get involved
28 ( c ) Do n't stick rigidly to a predetermined language syllabus — allow the activities that take place in the class to range freely and develop naturally and let the occurrence of stimulating events that happen in the environment influence the vocabulary and structures that are introduced and practised in each lesson .
29 He , too , has sought to publicise and to persuade the public of the need to avoid the activities that are being condemned in this debate .
30 After all , among the activities that most benefited from the canals were many in which labour-displacing technologies had hardly developed .
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