Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] that " in BNC.

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1 Many of the new churches see this openness to the Holy Spirit 's work , and the intimacy that results , as absolutely vital .
2 Nor did he agree with the tag that the media had given him , that of anti-hero .
3 To translate the corpus information a file was created containing two columns — the first field on each line contains the original LOB tag , the second field contains the tag that it is to be translated to .
4 This traumatic experience had such a shattering effect on the porter that he left London Transport for good , swearing never to visit Covent Garden Station again .
5 Section 18 penalizes the possession of a firearm with intent to commit a crime or to resist arrest : this is a more specific variation of section 16 , catering for the defence that the firearm was being carried for use in a robbery but with no intention that it would actually be used to endanger anyone , only to frighten — that would be a section 18 offence .
6 It was put repeatedly to the psychologist witnesses called by the defence that whatever the tests might say those present could form as good an impression of Mr X 's intelligence from observing his behaviour in the witness box .
7 How often , especially in cases of indecent literature , does one hear of the defence that ‘ the material is already to be found on public library shelves ’ .
8 The bill also allows the defence that information has already been published , without explaining what that means .
9 ‘ . The report concluded with the girl denying suggestions from the defence that ‘ she was a willing sexual partner , and made-up the story because of fears about her parent 's reaction ’ .
10 In fact this put severe restrictions on the committee 's deliberations , and the chairman repeatedly had to advise counsel for both the GMC and the defence that it was not their function to comment on the relative merits or otherwise of alternative forms of medicine .
11 This is subject to the defence that the accused did not know the nature of the information or realise that its disclosure would be damaging .
12 Failure to comply with the obligation ( which , in the case of blood , arises if the driver withholds consent to the specimen being taken by a medical practitioner : see section 11(4) ) constitutes an offence , subject always to the defence that the driver had a ‘ reasonable excuse ’ for the failure .
13 But in certain circumstances , the defendant may exculpate himself from liability either by raising doubts as to whether he had such an intention or awareness , or by establishing on a balance of probabilities the defence that he lacked mens rea .
14 So far as the performer is concerned , he has the defence that he did not know and had no reason to suspect that a programme involving the use of the offending material would be included in a cable broadcast , or that the circumstances in which such material was included would be such that racial hatred would be likely to be stirred up .
15 All of these defences apply only where the person is not shown to have intended to stir up racial hatred , and all of the participants have the defence that they had no reason to suspect that the material was threatening , abusive or insulting .
16 If the person whose liberty is interfered with does not know that the person who constrains him is a constable and believes that he is under attack , he will have the defence that , since he acted in self defence , he committed no assault .
17 If the police can show that they have issued a warning , it might seem the defence that the actor 's conduct was not ‘ wilful ’ will hardly ever avail .
18 Turning to indirect discrimination under section l(l) ( b ) of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 the Industrial Tribunal had applied the defence that the condition was justifiable on account of the reasonable needs of the employer 's business using the test formulated by Eveleigh LJ in Ojutiku and Obuzuni v Manpower Services Commission [ 1982 ] ICR 661 .
19 The defence that an " offer of amends " had been made failed on two counts : it had not been made " as soon as practicable " ( seven weeks had elapsed since publication ) and " reasonable care " had not been exercised , because a check with current stage directories would have revealed that the name chosen for the fictitious actress was the same as that used by a leading West End lady .
20 Two , the could proceed without the landlord 's licence , it would then be up to the landlord to apply to the court to have the lease forfeited when you could arrange the defence that you were a reasonable tenant and as such the assignment should have been allowed to permit this course of action but of course you are using bank money as well as your own and the bank would be unhappy to lend money in a situation where there was a possibility , albeit a slight , that the lease would be forfeited .
21 The advocate depute submitted that at the trial the view had been taken by the advocate depute and counsel for the defence that there was sufficient evidence to support the view that the two appellants were acting in concert .
22 From the Roman catholic hierarchy , he solicited the response that the church believed in the indissolubility of marriage .
23 In Berchtesgaden , where Hitler had his home on the Obersalzberg , and where he had enjoyed special veneration in former days , the SD reported that his speech on New Year 's Eve merely elicited the response that it ‘ brought nothing new ’ , and there was ‘ hardly any credibility worth mentioning ’ left for his last broadcast speech on 30 January 1945 .
24 But they then had to contend with the response that faith itself might be interpreted as an ‘ inner work ’ , a good deed of the mind .
25 Certainly , those experiments in which the occurrence of an overt component of the OR has been monitored have demonstrated that the response that has been habituated during pre-exposure tends to reappear when the CS-US pairings are begun .
26 If you can hold your feelings and examine them , force yourself to hear the voice and ask why it produces the response that it does , you are beginning to get the better of it , to break the fearful silence that surrounds it and , incidentally , to add another voice to your writing repertoire .
27 His argument met with the response that the regulations applied irrespective of his contribution . )
28 If this is how the young child construes what is happening , it could begin to account for the response that four-year-olds typically give .
29 He went on to quote the response that had been received from editors :
30 Er I mean I , I mean have we really thought this through because er if we 're an anticipating having hundred , hundred and fifty people here which I suppose is of course about what we would hope for , the response that NUPE er as you know they would need to actually achieve the yes vote , I mean we need this sort of room full er would n't it not be more sensible to split up between co or not , would it not be normal for the tutor to expect the group to split up to address specific areas like , I do n't know , Labour Party membership , erm finance , I do n't know , whatever
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