Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Waqar , relieved after only one over with the new ball , came on for the 17th over and soon caused umpire Shepherd to scowl as he bounced the ball into Atherton 's left arm and Smith 's helmet .
2 ’ Farrell switched the two-way off and jammed it into the seat pocket beside him .
3 I collected the mats from Relum Ltd of Saxmundham , Suffolk , on Friday the 15th along with 400 pre-packed campers ' meals made available by Relum free of charge .
4 Then , emerging to a night full of stars with our helmet lamps lighting our path before us , we walked across the fell back to Gunnerside and closing time .
5 The League ruled that the striking off of Grima from the Widnes register and an attempt to replace him with the Tongan forward , Boblyn Tuavao , was ‘ unacceptable ’ .
6 The dorsalmost or second dorsalmost spine is usually the largest up to 2 arm segments long .
7 The muzzle flash illuminated Farrell and the yard around him for several feet as he raked the sub-gun back and forth , spent cartridge cases spewing from the weapon ; smoke and steam rising into the damp air .
8 The washed out crew
9 Now for the that out and I 'll see what I 've written down for this Oh yeah er see Sue lost it erm well it 's a canine meaning , you know , the rose erm the dog rose .
10 Right , we 'll do that on the way back from taking the that back there .
11 The engineer would have headphones on while Keith was blasting away ; he 'd move the mic around until we found the right place , then he 'd bolt it in the stand where the speaker 's sweet spot was , and there it would stay .
12 Take the mic out and hold , hold the mic .
13 As they broke out of the covert on to the open parkland the bright sun made them squint .
14 I could of put the eight along with that one .
15 What one remembers , in the hopping back and forth between generations and time-frames , is the sheer verbal energy , itself very Scottish , with which characters keep the dark at bay .
16 Our view of the pig/human relationship is that the farther out of sight the living pig is , the better — as though the actual animal is an embarrassing stage that pigfeed has to go through on its way to being packaged bacon .
17 A Hercules from RAF Lyneham in Wiltshire is expected to fly the wounded out of Sarajevo .
18 He should not be named , but he begged me to tell the outside world of the appalling situation where the wounded are dying unnecessarily because the UN are refusing to transport the wounded out of the city . ’
19 erm , of course the economic out in Zambia the economic situations is disastrous now
20 I go go round with the bloody out there today !
21 That is only the beginning — there is then the budding on to vigorous rootstock to see if the bloom 's promise and prospects are confirmed .
22 THE GREATEST walking-off-into-the-desert-at-the-end-movie , with John Wayne as the obsessive out to rescue abducted white girl Natalie Wood from the Apaches .
23 The collection from the nest was made within a few days of the fledglings leaving the nest , and the broken up and trampled remains of pellets and bones from the nest can be mostly attributed to the regurgitated pellets of the fledglings .
24 Disturbingly brutal and unashamedly cold , ‘ Naive ’ is the blown out of proportion result of a thousand petty squabbles between a whole welter of influences who have little or nothing in common .
25 Disturbingly brutal and unashamedly cold , ‘ Naive ’ is the blown out of proportion result of a thousand petty squabbles between a whole welter of influences who have little or nothing in common .
26 When added to the tapering off of Soviet oil production , the ‘ opportunity cost ’ to the USSR of energy exports to CMEA as opposed to the West has altered appreciably — all the more so once these exports became vital for financing her own grain and equipment imports from the West .
27 By far the rarest type of post-medieval coffin is the gable-lidded tapered shape ; this is frustrating , especially as they are so well known in contemporary art from the fourteenth through to the seventeenth centuries .
28 It will be argued in this chapter that their prideful belief in the capacity to influence , so vividly expressed and so evidently vindicated in Indirect Rule , led the British on to fatal experiment in more and more attenuated forms of imperial control .
29 It is a system where a reasonably educated person would have heard of Homer but never of Kalidas , of Ibsen but rarely of Tagore , of Joan of Arc but not of the Rani of Jhansi ( another woman who took arms to try to drive the British out of her country ) , of Goethe but not of his contemporary the great Urdu poet Mirza Ghalib .
30 MacQuillan was n't only talking about getting the British out of Northern Ireland , he was using HM Supplies to channel money to terrorist groups .
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