Example sentences of "[adj] to do with " in BNC.

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1 and another to do with erm supplementary benefits and heating additions for tenants , in both and flats .
2 IT IS sometimes difficult to remember that company directors are merely the custodians of their shareholders ' money , rather than the owners of the business free to do with it what they will .
3 He has dismissed warnings from the Office of Fine Arts that it is forbidden to deal in State property , quoting the former assistant secretary of state L. de Graaff , who in 1984 stated that the artists were free to do with these works as they wished .
4 In general terms , however , the present state of the law is that an individual who has reached the age of 18 is free to do with his life what he wishes , but it is the duty of the court to ensure so far as it can that children survive to attain that age .
5 Some of the reasons are religious ; some literary ; some to do with his well-merited reputation as a blunt-talking character who , like Samuel Johnson , drew the wisdom of his conversation and letters from ancient sources , Christian or pagan , as much as modern — a wisdom somehow as congenial to the sceptical as to the godly .
6 ‘ I dressed for sex and thought about nothing else on these trips to London and , once I was locked away with Andrew , I got up to all sorts of things I would have been too embarrassed to do with Tony .
7 A sexual surrogate will A , have sex with you if he ca n't find anyone else , all the things nobody else is prepared to do with you sexually , or teach you how to draw you the partner you want ?
8 Considerations concerning syntactic and semantic structure are not unconnected with those about the beliefs and intentions involved in linguistic communication — beliefs and intentions which McDowell suggests are quite secondary once one has accepted that communication in general ( from simple instinctive types through to natural language ) has first and foremost to do with the transfer of information , or the instilling of knowledge .
9 What , it may be asked , has this to do with the law ?
10 Is this to do with our inability as a nation to be direct when there is something unpalatable to say ?
11 What has this to do with hearing ?
12 ‘ You spoke of my being in danger — what has all this to do with me ? ’
13 What has any of this to do with language , more precisely with the ‘ grammar ’ of this chapter 's title ?
14 ‘ But what has this to do with me ? ’
15 What had all this to do with the community based health project .
16 What the hell has any of this to do with you , anyway ? ’
17 What had any of this to do with her husband 's death or affair , she asked herself ?
18 But what has this to do with Mr. Andrew ? "
19 What has all this to do with theories of the origin of life ?
20 ‘ But what has this to do with — ’
21 ‘ But what has this to do with me ? ’
22 ‘ What the hell has this to do with Doreen ? ’ he barked .
23 ‘ Amazing , ’ you may say , ‘ but what has this to do with conveyancing ? ’
24 What has this to do with interactive multimedia ?
25 What has this to do with our central theme of locality ?
26 What has this to do with — ? ’
27 What has Sabine to do with what you are saying ? ’
28 Backpackers must make adjustments — quite easy to do with a few days ' walking under your belt , not so simple when your planning trips in your living room .
29 It is easy to do with halls of residence , but it is also easy to do where students are living in digs or even when they are the owners of properties .
30 The pause after the first shot making sure they 'd killed him which is n't easy to do with a heart shot but they could n't go for the head because the sight line would n't fit with shooting at the President 's head — ’
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